Moving this Logging attempt to my shiny new Quest Thread instead.
Yes. Yup.
Look, I know my Marketplace Store has a History Log.
It's just kinda shitty to try and find anything when it's time to sell something months/years later, so lemme just track what I spend on what when.
(Using this journal for the first time in ten years has left me oddly defensive, I don't even know what's with the tone of this explanation.)
Sweetly Dragon @3,250,000,000G
Spacey Kumahime @3,250,000,000G
Mint Sugarlace @200,000,000G
Juicy Freedom Fighting DJ @5,250,000,000G
Wildfire Oripara Bash @1,000,000,000G
Traditional Alluring Fox Spirit @ 4,600,000,000G
Rejected Hot Cross Buns @ 4,400,000,000G
Sweet Warm Date @ 6,000,000,000G
Instant Barton Doki @ 6,790,000,000G
Leafheart Green @ 14,000,000,000G
[Exclusive] Little Dark Breeze @ 9,500,000,000G
Spacey Kumahime @3,250,000,000G
Mint Sugarlace @200,000,000G
Juicy Freedom Fighting DJ @5,250,000,000G
Wildfire Oripara Bash @1,000,000,000G
Traditional Alluring Fox Spirit @ 4,600,000,000G
Rejected Hot Cross Buns @ 4,400,000,000G
Sweet Warm Date @ 6,000,000,000G
Instant Barton Doki @ 6,790,000,000G
Leafheart Green @ 14,000,000,000G
[Exclusive] Little Dark Breeze @ 9,500,000,000G