The Airline Terrorist Plot...
I suppose a great deal can be said of it.
Sadly, such an Al Queda conspiracy to cripple several planes going to destination points such as Washington DC, California, London, ect. does not suprise me.
Going on such an ideology, it is an ingenious idea to use liquid bomb materials. Unseemingly to the general US popu., this plan was coordinated on a large network, and who truly knows how large it could have grown, or if it is still growing now...
I have become desentisized, and that in itself is a frightening revelation. I SHOULD be worried. I am not.
Terrorism cannot be stopped, nor can you win such a war, because Terrorism is an idea, not a solid, malleable, tangible thing that can be destroyed through mundane means.
This verture to blow up planes is not new, but it seems that the airports have yet to learn from the late 80's, 1990s, 911, and now.
There are always two sides to an argument/situation.
Shortly after learning of the threat, Western democracies highteted the security at their airports, and halted all transportation of liquid goods, except under extreme circumstances.
I am glad that this has occured. In such times, we must give up a few rights in order for our safetly to be readily insured.
There are some, howrver, that do not share my sentiment, and here comes the second side.
First side: The actions afther the threat are reasonabile, and are not extreme. We need to feel safe in order for our society to function.
Second side: Our rights are being infringed upon. This is too much.We are being harressed, and there is now Racial profiling that is being used againsts us all. There is always a threat, and such security shall not be in effect for very long, This is just a passing moment in order for politics to rule.
I agree with both. We do need to feel safe. At the same time, however, the governemnt (USA) is not fooling anyone by actually conveying that these procedures shall always be in effect.
I do not believe that the government is truly attempting to keep such rules in effect. I also have lost a great deal of hope in how the US deals wish such incidents.
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Great Scott, it seems that you have made crazy the Ham.