Oh Teh zOMG! -Rings I need-
Teehee, I've went and noted that I currently have 37/40 of the rings that zOMG offers. >|D Meaning! I still need 3 more to have the full collection... ehehehe!
Shuriken Ghost My Density
Though, I probably won't be updating this journal as I get them... but maybe I will. xD Ooh, I want the full set. -die-
Kittastrophe · Sat May 16, 2009 @ 07:41pm · 0 Comments |
Another excerpt of the About Me section! O: -gasp- This time it's my art collection. :3 Because me no likey clutter.
Art of Aliera By Ice - [linku] By Fairy - [linku] By Nori - [linku] By ME - [linku] By Mickey - [linku] By Paige - [linku] Art I've Bought By Chibi - [linku] ((Of Aliera)) By Fairy - [linku] ((Of Aliera)) By Paige - [linku] ((Of Felia)) By Cloudeh - [linku] ((Of Aliera)) By Chibi - [linku] ((Of Jill))
Kittastrophe · Tue Aug 21, 2007 @ 08:33pm · 0 Comments |
Item List: Alice's Black Boots Black Tie Chain Of Command Classic Record Earrings Cloud Zebra Top Gills Joker Collar white-black Morgana's Gloves SLIK Shades Waste Glamrock Headband White Beret White Medical Gloves White Nurse Skirt White Tiger Pants White Wool Top
Estimated Total: 31,889 Gold, 27,500 Tickets (Estimated with known item values on 03 February 2007)
Fweehahaha. I went and made an avvie with some o' that spiffy new hair. Dunno if I'll ever actually go for it, though. ... I mean, I've barely been going for most of the other avvies I've made~ >3<
Kittastrophe · Sat Feb 03, 2007 @ 09:17pm · 0 Comments |
Let's see now... Kittie decided that her "About" section was getting all cluttery. She didn't like the cluttery. So she moved Felia's, and the other characters' short stories here! n_n Except for Aliera's. Because Aliera's is... special. o.O
So... read on! >:3 For all of the shorts featuring each of Kittie's Gaia charries! Or... at least the ones I have done! n_n; Teehee...
Also um, I'm putting my self-made pixels of Aliera and Felia because... I have no where else that's nice to place them! o:
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙. Aliera Gale
A cool wind sends the tall grass shivering, waving over the hilly terrain. A single tree stands in the field, it's branches bare and lifeless. A young girl, seeming no older than eighteen, is poised before the dead plant, looking up at its peak with concerned amber eyes. Her lavender hair flows cleanly in the breeze, waving in time with the grass. In her hand is an open black tome, it's words faded on yellowing paper. The girl takes a shallow breath, smiling up at the tree as her lips begin to form smooth, foreign words. Slowly, buds force their way from the trees branches, growing into larger pink petals. The wind picks up, blowing the petals from their perch and leaving green leaves in their place. You rub your eyes slightly, staring at the mage. The girl turns, matching your smile with one of her own. 'Life is Beautiful, ne?' In the blink of an eye, the girl is gone.
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙.
Kaitou Felia
Sirens blare, lights flash. Crowds quickly form around the base of the ritzy museum to catch a glimpse of the cause of this. You, too, find yourself being drawn by tempting curiosity. Shoving your way into the front, you eye the police that are pushing back spectators and surrounding the building. You turn to see a group of officers chattering among each other. "We've got the theif this time..." "Can't see how they can escape..." Your curiosity peaks, taking in the scattered phrases. Who were they after? It could perhaps only be a simple theif... no, there were far too many police for it to be someone like that. A loud clatter of shattering glass rips your attention toward the museum. Someone has blasted through the window, a large, sparkling diamond in one gloved hand, a shining staff in the other. Time almost seems to freeze for her as she lands neatly on the ground, almost cat-like. She speeds toward you, rushing right into the crowd. You get a look at her masked face as she brushes past you. It's impossible to tell with the mask, but her smirk makes it seem like she is winking at you. A blast of light engulfs the crowd, the staff being the source. The girl seems to dissolve into it, disappearing from the scene. Your jaw drops, all you can do is stare into the now-empy space. Who on earth was that?
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙.
Jill Jarril
Coming Soon!
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙.
Cholca Marli
Coming Soon!
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙.
Raalie Gale
Coming Soon!
.∙'∙.∙: x :∙.∙'∙.
Sabiki Okoino
Coming Soon!
Kittastrophe · Fri Oct 20, 2006 @ 03:27pm · 0 Comments |
Item List: Black Gloves Blacklight Hoochie Pants Classic Record Earrings Coal Gunner Hat Crimson Red Pimpin' Cane Dead Sexy Midnight Coat Drop Dead Gorgeous Midnight Heels G-LOL Blood Mistress Stockings Hot Basic Skirt Natural Coral Pendant Red Sleeveless Silk Top Roco Rochel Costume Bracelet Romani Glasses
Estimated Total: 14,449 Gold (Estimated with known item values on 14 October 2006)
Might as well just call this my avvie collection. :B Not much of a journal, really.
-giggles- This avvie's actually pretty cheap! =D Perhaps I'll give it a shot sometime soon. >:3
Kittastrophe · Sat Oct 14, 2006 @ 08:56pm · 0 Comments |
Item List: Brown Gunner Pants Brown Wrinkled Vest Brownie Basic Skirt Brownie Shoes with Loose Socks Cat Band Coon Tail Gold PomPom Scarf Gold Winter Wrap Sandleather Glamrock Belt Tan Peasant Gloves Wingin It Tan Shirt
Estimated Total: 20,734 Gold (Estimated with known item values on 23 September 2006)
Welp. I just can't go onto Tektek without making an avatar I feel like I just GOTTA have, no? xD
Still working on that Kaitou KID-tie one. x3;
Kittastrophe · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 04:15pm · 0 Comments |
It's Kaitou KID-tie! x333 |
Item List: Ace of Spades Price: 8,500 Tickets Blue FLEX Top Price: 450 Gold Blue Longjohns Price: 550 Gold Monocle Price: 1,200 Gold Red Tie Price: 820 Gold Solar Cloak Estimated Price: 18,000 Gold That 70s White Jacket Price: 3,000 Gold Thick Blue Winter Socks Price: 900 Gold Those 70s White Pants Price: 2,000 Gold White Medical Gloves Price: 200 Gold White Medical Shoes Price: 300 Gold White Top Hat Price: 4,111 Gold
Estimated Total: 31,531 Gold, 8,500 Tickets (Estimated with known item values on 24 August 2006)
CH-YA! >8D ... I totally want to go for this. xDDDD
... Does Kaitou KID have a belt? =/ Did I miss anything. -thinks hard- Meh! x3 I like it anyway. -shrug-
Kittastrophe · Thu Aug 24, 2006 @ 06:38pm · 0 Comments |
Veli Sari - 4500 ((Got it!)) Daisy's Warm Gloves - 470 Green Beatnik Top - 1000 Red Hot Sandals - 325 Goldenrod Paper Cat Band - Free~200 approx. ((Got it!)) Gold Bracelet - 750 Sweetheart Gold Earrings - 1200 ((Got it!)) Zorro Mask - 1500 ((Got it!)) Wish Hair - 1300
TOTAL - 11245
I'm gonna go for it. o3o Yes indeedy. But I'm not going to sell any of my stuff that I'm wearing. Nooope. >3 I want to be able to have... a bunch outfits. xD;
Bleck. I tested this on Gaia and found out the layering isn't the same... so I revamped it. :B
Harhar! :B There's also a Belt of Chaste on there but, it wouldn't show up on TekTek's layering...
Kittastrophe · Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 03:55pm · 0 Comments |