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Johnny MG (in progress)
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Name: Johnny MG

Gender: Male

Age/Apparent Age: Mid-twenties

Race: Human, 1/8th Celestial

Appearance: Standing at a hair under six feet tall, Johnny weighs 180 lbs with a moderately athletic-looking musculature. His skin is slightly tanned, his hair dyed bright scarlet, and his eyes a darker shade of crimson. His face is thin, angular, and handsome with pronounced chin and cheekbones. He often has a two-day growth of stubble along his jawline and a silver stud in his left eyebrow.
Johnny usually wears a short white and red coat that hangs to roughly the middle of his waist; worn open in the front with no shirt underneath. His hair is about seven inches long, unkempt and slightly spikey where it sticks out from beneath a black knit cap with a red, templar-style cross emblazoned on the front. His legs are clad in a pair of tattered black jeans with heavy-looking metal studs around the ankles and rips across the thighs, and on his feet are worn a pair of custom dark red boots with thick soles and metal toes. Lastly, he also often wears a pair of fingerless black gloves and an expensive pair of sunglasses. All-in-all his style is a mishmash of punk and motocross.

Personality: Rarely serious, Johnny is usually pretty laid-back--if not flat-out lazy--and unmotivated. He has a great, albeit unique, sense of humor and is more likely to be seen getting drunk and screwing around than starting fights. He's also a world-class pervert, having made an enemy of most of the women who've had the misfortune of spending more than an hour in his company.
His only goal is to have a good time, and can be quite self-centered in that regard, but deep down he can be a pretty decent guy and doesn't like to see people being mistreated.

History/Bio: Blah blah blah ran away from home as a child, blah blah blah recruited and trained by a guild of assassins, blah blah blah would rather just get drunk and pick up girls. Nobody ever reads these things anyway.

Weapon: "Ginsu", a black-sheathed japanese sword with a curved, single-edged blade 30 inches long, a round handguard, and a ten-inch hilt. This finely-crafted heirloom sword is nearly 130 years old and forged of folded steel. The sheath is stained mahogany reinforced with a weave of steel fibers. Although the blade is not a masterpiece, nor was it made by a legendary blacksmith nor inscribed with dark arcane secrets of unspeakable power, it is still an expertly-made weapon and well maintained.
It also makes for a good butt-scratcher.

Weapon Abilities: When bathed in Johnny's Aura the blade becomes nearly unbreakable and sharp enough to cut through steel almost effortlessly.

Powers/Abilities: Johnny has been trained to control his "Aura" or "Ki" to enhance his mind and body, giving him nigh-supernatural abilities.

Explanation of Powers: Ki, the spiritual energy that flows through living beings, can make for an extremely effective fighting tool when trained properly.
•Aura Strikes- one of the first things Johnny was taught was channeling his Aura into raw destructive force. By focusing it in his hands and feet he is capable of producing concussive short-range explosions of energy while punching and kicking, with enough power to pulverize rock.
•Aura Arcs- similarly, when focused through Ginsu Johnny's Aura becomes a crescent-shaped blade of energy which he can project up to twenty feet. These Arcs of destruction carry the cutting force of a two-handed sword slash and are capable of severing limbs.
•Enhanced Stats- with a wellspring of spiritual energy flowing through his body, Johnny's abilities are pushed far beyond the norm. He can dead-lift nearly six-hundred pounds over his head, punch through brick walls, run at close to sixty miles per hour, maintain periods of extreme physical exertion for hours at a time, and withstand hits that would knock a lesser man to the ground.
•Heightened senses- due to his vigorous training Johnny has a wider range of peripheral vision, has better reaction time, can see minute details more clearly, can see in lower light, can hear more clearly, and has a better sense of smell than a normal man. He also has excellent recall and can feel subtle vibrations in the air and ground that others might not notice.

Attacks: Having studied Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship) for nearly twenty years, Johnny is an exceptionally talented swordsman. He has created several of his own unorthodox forms with which he can change up his fighting style almost instantly to react to the flow of a battle.

•Seigan no Kamae (Stance of the West Bank)- the traditional two-handed style taught in kendo. This is a very balanced stance focusing on both offense and defense, useful in a wide variety of situations.
•Peacekeeper- Johnny wields his sheathed sword like a short staff in a non-lethal style that incorporates grappling moves, limb locks, and chokeholds. This stance intensifies the power of Johnny's concussive Aura Strikes.
•Three Echoes- weilding the sheath in the left hand and the sword in the right (or vice versa), this stance incorporates quick-draw strikes similar to battojutsu. It also increses the power of Johnny's Aura Arcs, making them faster, stronger, and increasing their range to fifty feet.
•Coffin Nail- in this stance the sword is held in a reverse-grip in one-hand; using this stance increases Johnny's agility and allows him to run along walls or anchor himself to them and double-jump in midair. It is the most difficult to predict style, incorporating erratic movements similar to drunken fighting.
•Facebuster- this two-handed style uses Johnny's Aura to perform crushing, hammer-like sword strikes that do ridiculous amounts of blunt-force damage instead of cutting. Easily the most powerful style, it works best against armored foes by dealing concussive blows that pass through armor as if it isn't there.
•Broken Mirror- increasing Johnny's speed dramatically at the expense of his Aura-based attacks, this one-handed style incorporates rapid kicks and sword strikes delivered at high-velocities, much faster than the average human eye can follow.
•Iron Wall- emphasizing defense over everything else, this two-handed style allows Johnny to focus his aura into a shell-like shield of protective energy with which he can shrug off attacks as though he were wearing a suit of heavy armor. It also increases his resistance to energy and magical attacks, absorbing seventy-five percent of the damage. The downside is it severely hampers his movement, reducing his top speed to a slow walk.

Weakness: Although his fighting style lends itself well to over-all versatility, in the end he is still just a man with a sword. If he expends too much Ki or loses hold of his sword he becomes virtually defenseless. He is also vulnerable to poison, negative energy, and entropic attacks against which he has little defense.

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