This is a personal reference for my favorite color schemes here on gaia. I'm just making is so I have something I can personally refer to when looking around and organizing wishlists and stuff. Not relevant to anyone else or the general public lol
(images screencapped from some random color scheme guide I found, not compiled by me)
---- Borealis (Polar blue + Borealis white + Aurora pink + Cream + Antique gold)

---- Winterberry (Wintermint + Raspberry + OffWhite + Cream + Antique Gold..also search wintermint, graham cracker, etc.)

---- Pale Bubblegum

---- Winterstorm (Polar/Ghostly + Dark Iris)/ Ghostly/Mournful = Sky blue/lily + Periwinkle (+ white)

---- Catharsis (off-black, ivory, and Vintage Gold.. Antique, Cathartic, etc.)

---- Dandelion ( Dandelion blue + Ivory/Meringue White + Gilded Gold (+Offblack))

---- Dusk rose/Dust rose (dusky rose, dusty rose, ivory, offblack, ??)
---- Meowgical? (dusk, amaranth, ivory.. gray/grey.. sometimes also called 'dusky')

---- Moth/Faint (Crepe, Ivory, Light Dusk Grey.. moth, ivory, crepe, light, and dusk)

---- Etoile ( Chiffon yellow + Seafoam + ivory?)

---- Rose Saga/Rosamund (raspberry (pink), antique gold, offblack, ivory?)

---- Verdigris /Verdant? (Verdigris teal+ Ivory + Vintage gold + Seafoam blue)

---- ??? (peony, cream, ivory, peach, magenta.. or fuschia, or liseran? counterfeit)

---- Saturn Purple and Antique Gold/Copper Gold

---- Velvetine (Black, tanzanite, eminence purple, antique or bronze gold)

---- Candygloss (cotton candy blue, candygloss pink, ivory, and graham cracker peach)

---- Wilted ( Dandelion blue + Liseran Purple + Offblack / ivory?)

---- Kaguya (Midori green, Amaranth, Ivory and Vintage.)

---- Pearlescent (pearl blonde, perla, beige, and ivory...similar to peony cream and wisteria purple)

---- St.Ciel ( or 'storge' or 'faithful') (porcelain, ivory, radiant gold.. basically the white and gold/ivory gold stuff?.. also could be 'midday' , muted gold, offwhite, ivory, cream)

SEARCH ON AVI-BUILDER/ just for fun/not to buy:
-Bearly - Blushing - Coral - Burgundy - Confectionery - Decay!! (decayed/etc.) - Diamond Dust - Pebble - enchanted (pink white and offblack?) - Filigree - Fireside - Mist blue/Misty - Goshiki (an orange and teal) - Midori/ sour (similar to midori) - Peach Bellini - Kaleidoscopic (Larkspur, Marigold, Nostalgia, Moluccella, Amsonia and Catmint) !!!!! - Konpeito (cool lilac and light blue thing) - Marshlands - Milan!! (light blue and yellow, similar to Etoile) - Newborn (a blue yellow pink) - Oxide!! (rust, oxidized, etc.) - Peppymint (you already know) *(you own some peppymint) - Peach/Peaches and Cream ( peach, beige, ivory, peony, cream, sable) *(you do own some of these) - Ponderosa!!!! - Swampberry!!!! (potpurri pink, ) - Sweetberry - Vervain - Vinland? idk.. - Wonderfun - Wispberry - Gloomy!
LucaLiCatte · Sun Oct 13, 2019 @ 07:14am · 0 Comments |