What the bloody conflagration is this time span between journals? What is with the sudden difference in writing style and tone, with the silly avatar still bearing the same noobish appearance of two years back? What is for dinner!?
Truth be told, this account was originally created under the username Akira FS in representation of one of my characters, Akira Flamestrike. I thought it would be cool to sorta role-play him and roam Gaia while creating a series of journal entries detailing his adventures from his own point of view . . . yet, for some unknown reason, I quickly grew bored of it after the first entry, became too lazy to roam any further, and slipped out of Gaia. (It is also rather difficult to socialize here under the guise of a rather anti-social persona. . . .)
I have come back as my usual online alias, KageRyu798, to actually play around this site casually and have fun with it. Perhaps I shall also post some of my art to see how it is received here, and if I am lucky, take some commissions along the way (which I have yet to figure out how people do).
I think I shall keep the avatar looking like Flamestrike for now, and someday, find that fire sword to go with it. . . .
That said, a mighty re-hello to those of Gaia; please just pretend I am a noob to this site (which I technically still am) and we shall see how I get along with take two.
Oh, yes, and dinner. I had better go hunt some.