ive been trying to find happiness again but...

its not like it used to be...i must say
ive been wondering over and over for days....weeks...months...

but....nuthin has came yet....
i miss the good ole days when i used to c boom and kini at the bus stop all the time haha

and hanging after school in the courtyard

having embarrasing moments with frodo xD

oh and everytime you guys visited my house i'd glomp u~ xD

having wild karoake parties

hehe and going to new year festivals, panic always looked so cute x3

well what can i say....dont ya miss those days....
i kinda moved on now i suppose
i think about it all the time

kago hasnt changed one bit

and boomeh


ive met a few new ppl like ookami

everyone else doesnt rly talk to us anymore...we r now remaking our own crew! and its gonna b HELLA awesome haha....
as you ca c me and kago r stackin up all ready

well...thats all......4 now <3