Finally I get some computer time. Well sorry everyone thats been expecting to hear from me, I hardly come on Gaia anymore. Anyways I finished Scince Fair, and I had to read this book for English "To kill a Mockingbird" It was alright. Now i have a project on that, and I have to complete an Essay on a quote from the book. It's always project after project with this GT program.... Anyways aside from projects I've been getting grounded and continuing homework. Everyday I feel like I have less and less of a life. Its been forever since I went to hang out with my friends, but thats ok, they say the same damn thing. So even if I was to have a free day they say they wouldn't. So i guess it all pans out. School is seriously getting tougher. I know the last 4 weeks it should wind down and me and my buds will have some chill time. The last quater of school is always the easiest, aside from the 1st. I have to go back to summer school for Geometry, then when I'm a 10th grader I'll be in Algebra two, its mandatory for me and my friends, so my math class next year will probably have some 11th graders in it. Hopefully some beatiful girls too. mrgreen hopefully. Anyways I got a kitchen to clean I'll try to get on more often.
Wastelander · Mon Jan 30, 2006 @ 12:03am · 2 Comments |
Holy crap i'm really ******** hyped up man! Tuesday i went to N.C, my true home! Sorry peoples of Florida, i love N.C more! wink But anyways Wedsday and Thurdays i went to the mall to hang out with friends i had a real kick a** time. Well, thursday i meet up with this girl from my old neighborhood. (unforntunatly stare ) She was really really really really ******** annoying. She completly ruined me my other friends fun for like 20 minutes. neutral But things got better after she got the messege of how she was annoying and left. I'm really happy i finally got to see some friends. My best friends, their like my second family. It was awesome. Even though all we did was walk around the mall, and through some stores, it was lots of fun. well its X-mas Eve. And tomorrow is X-mas surprised I'm getting new colone, and a MP3 player. Well, thats what i know i'm getting. Oh, my older brother came back. I thinks i told you guys that last time. When i get older, i'm going to visit N.C more often. My mom said since this trip went so well, we might get to come back for Spring, or probably Summer. Either way i hope i do. Happy X-mas everyone, and lets all get drunk on New years! I know I am. Peace out!
Wastelander · Sat Dec 24, 2005 @ 11:11pm · 1 Comments |
Holy s**t man. Its been a long while huh? Well school you know same old s**t just another day ya know? Last progress report I had all A's and B's except i had two C's. One is in Algebra. But most of it its mixed with Algebra two stuff which is 11th grade work. Keep in mind i'm Fresh man. (10th graders are in Geometry, but i'm gonna take that over summer cuz its required then actually algebra two in 10th) the other one is in Human Geography thats already college level sweatdrop so actually i'm doing excellent. 3nodding
On the topic of girls i've had two since my last entry if i'm not mistaken. I'm working on getting another. I can't keep a long relationship for nothing. And i'm getting sick of dating and hardly doing anything outside of school. Well i still make out and all while at school. But its more fun when we're not. But then again its not entirely my fault (i should blame my extremely over-protective mother) but sometimes the girls aren't even allowed to date. So they keep it secret anyways (from their parents of course)
oh happy late Halloween and Thanksgiving. Both of those holidays were shitty cuz my mom thinks the holidays is all about a clean house. Isn't it all about the food and eatting like the fat ******** we are? xp at least thats what i think. Oh i'm off groundzation the first of the new year yay! I've been dying to call some friends from N.C and some ppl here too.
Well Mid-Terms are coming up i think the 14th, 15th and 16th. gonk I'm confindent in English, Algebra, and Technology classes. But Biology and Human Geography is what i'm concerned with. Biology is like the study of living stuff...and its hard when you have to remember all that stupid terminology! Right now we're studying genetics and the traits of offspring and stuff. And the dominate traits and crap. Thats pretty simple. Time consuming yes, but its by far the easiest thing I've studied for in Biology. Whats hard is cells, the cell cycle and all the damn vocabulary. And the only thing we can use for the test is ONE NOTECARD crying i'm gonna write really tiny and bring a magnifizing glass. and i'm gonna put sticky notes on the notecard (i pray the teacher doesn't care if i do that)
Then in human geograpy well...on my last chapter test on folk and popular culture I got a 76 (thats a C) and for that class, thats a damn good grade. now we are studing languages i had no idea there were 2000-4000 languages eek but anyways i should get away with a passing grade in that. So i just gotta study for Spanish and Biology. I need to remember how to conjagate verbs in spanish.
example the spanish word "ir" means "to go" but when you refer to yourself ( like I go) you use the "voy" then when you mean "you go" its "vas" then theres va, van, vamos. For we, you all, and they. Spanish is indeed complex. I need to remember the exact forms for which way you are saying. And theres other conjagating stuff. Not to mention the vocabulary itself. Well i gotta study for a test tomorrow. and this weekend i'll be busy panicing over mid-terms. Catch ya later
Wastelander · Wed Dec 07, 2005 @ 02:22am · 1 Comments |
All for the shits and giggles man... |
Today was a riot. xd It was really cold and windy though. Me and some guys just did crazy stuff. Like my friend Jason was flirting with a girl he likes and she doesn't like him at all. Her reactions made it all worth while. And i started dancing on tables and girls started putting their money in my pants. They got sad when they ran outta money. The stupid stuff we do at school is just wicked awesome. Oh my older brothers b-day was Oct 23rd. He's 20...that old fart. He's 6 years older than me. I'll get him a gift when he comes back to Orlando to live with us again. He realizes he made a mistake movin' out with his girl up north.
Anyways i'm known as the coffee man in 1st period English. I sell bottles of coffee every Wedsdays (because its short day) and Fridays (last day of the week and teahers can't complain about our hyperness) A dollar a bottle, stuffed with great coffee, milk, loads of sugar and creamer. Gotta love it. I'm making a killing. Oh also the same guy i just mentioned- Jason he's hooking me up with a job at Steak and Shake. Its a fast food joint selling steaks, and burgers, fries and milk shakes. They need cash register people, and some cooks. Its 7 bucks a hour. I normally ride the bus, but since work starts after school, and my parents don't get home until 6pm i will be catching a ride with Jason to his house in the next city, then back down the highway to work. Its all good. 3nodding
Today in 6th period (our technology class) we were doing book wook. And we got ahead and we only need to finish 5 questions that due at the end of class tomorrow. (no sweat) So we were actually having a serious talk bout sex. My friend Brian is about to do it with his girl. But they're really into each other and its more than just the sex. He's packing a condom in his wallet and they are planning when and where. They want the whole romance of sex. Not just the fun. Even though i'm sure they'll get plenty of both. I say good for them. 3nodding I've fingered girls, made out, been flashed. Got to touch and kiss more than the lips. And i've gotten blow jobs and hand jobs and all that stuff. Its like the only think left is sex itself. I've gotten dangerously close to losing my virginity several times with different girls... But every time i do i feel as though theres another girl better. you could say i'm looking for "the one" I personally just don't wanna go out with any ol' slut or girl I can find and Bang. But yet i'm not looking for the passionate and romantic stuff you see in a girls magizine. Just somewhere that's comfortable inbetween. 3nodding I guess i've been thinking about sex alot since i got a girlfriend and we've been doing the holding hands and kissing thing for quite some time. Shes even talking about taking it further. And then my friend Brian, and Jason and a number of other friends aren't virgins themselves. So yeah.
School, oh i got my grades one A four Bs and one C. I'm happy! but those grades are increased by one since i'm in AP. Like my C is considered a B, and my Bs are like As and then my A is higher than an A. College credit rocks. cool Well sorry for the novel. Just catching everyone up on how i've been since my last entry. And earning some gold. surprised Much love, Peace out!
Wastelander · Wed Oct 26, 2005 @ 12:31am · 0 Comments |
I'm running out of headlines...so deal with it |
Is your refrigerator running? Cuz I bet it runs like you... very homosexually

We're making alcohol, im the brewery. I heard alcohol makes u stupid. No, I'm ... doesn't
"How dare you call me while I'm cleaning my sack....you prevert!" The best voice mail ever. 3nodding
My friend called, and I was drunk/high/hyper, and I screamed that. Then I hanged up the phone. We laughed all day about it at school. Its like the new trend.
Alright, nothing up with me you know. Just school. I'm just waiting for spring to start so I can go into weight lifting. I'm just really bored.
Wastelander · Sun Sep 18, 2005 @ 11:29pm · 3 Comments |
I'm no Fred Flintstone, but I'm gonna make your bed rock! |
xd xp cool wink
You all know you love that. But umm...Recently I saw that on Adult Swim, me and my brother made that joke up a few years back, and no I was reminded of it a few days back. Our oringal joke was ruined! Yeah, nothing new here. Just enjoying school. Progress reports go out this Friday! Wow, its amazing, school shorta flew by. sweatdrop I'm having so much fun here. The girls, the friends, class, everything. Its kickass. I think what makes it really cool is the people. Yeah, as far as I know, I have A B honor roll. After years, I finally get it. Well its only progress report time. I always get at least one high C thats not quite the B....it happened in 8th and 7th. Um besides school, nothing really happened. Oh, we got new funiture today. Right now I'm just listing to some music. Busta Rhymes, 50 cent, Ying Yang Twins, and the list goes on and on.... And then some reggeaton mrgreen Theres a project due Tuesday (sept. 6th) and Its monday, and I didn't even start....I feel like such a retard now. sweatdrop So thats what I'll be doing tomorrow. Today my friend came over today, we just worked on some stuff from school, went to newgrounds, and ebuamsworld. They some video games and music. Of course we were talking with some of my girls.
Alright, its one in the morning. I'm tired, i'm sick. I'm getting better though, don't stress over me ladies smile Alright I'll catch you all later!
Wastelander · Mon Sep 05, 2005 @ 06:09am · 2 Comments |
Don't lead me to temptation, I can find it myself. |
Yeah, thats a shirt. I was thinking of buying it, but I'm gonna save my money. My fathers B-day is August 30th. I decided to get him something now. I got him one of those AB Longes. He could really use it if you know what I mean. xp I'll be on it too. Keeping my pack in good conditsion cool Oh yeah...Those are normally $120 here. But at the Walmart I got it for $93. I brougt a Nestea lemon while I got that too. (It was a pain in the but to hide the box from my dad, oh yeah we split up in the store, I went to the other side on the Garden Section, then stashed it in the truck!) Everyone was looking at me in the line. Wondering how I could afford it. I pulled out a debit card, and some lady behind me thought I had stupid stamped on my face and is standing right next to me, trying to look at my pin number, I looked at her. And she turned away. Stupid b***h....well the total came up to $101 and change. Damn government and damn taxes...*grumbles* mad
At school I have a science fair project, we get to pick our topics. And for those of you that watch the news there is a Catorgoy 5 hurricane, so I began thinking..what if theres a way to slow down a hurricane? Thats pretty damn crazy isnt it? How is slowing down such a powerfull force of nature possible? Oil...chilled oil. Theres vegatable, and diesel oil. And oil for the house. I think thats for heating or something, but anyways I was thinking what if we were to put like a layer of oil ( a few mm's or 1 cm) Like a blanet, and when the hurrican comes it'll suck in some of that, and slow down. Oil is less dense than water, so it'll float of course. The reason I say we should chill it, is because warm water strengthens the hurricane. It could work. Or we could take a plane, and "mist" the oil. Because water vapor is what also gives hurricane power. Oh yeah...I'm smart. The only issue I find is the environment. Sea animals...Well mammels I know can recover, they'll only get sick. But like jelly fish and non mammels with get very sick and die. Or just really sick, and the animal that eats the infected animal could get sick. So I have to study location of sea animals vs the position of the Hurricane, and time when to purposely spill oil in a controled area. I have to study tide, current, and wind patterns, and a large scale of animal activity could stir up the oil and the oil might miss the hurricane, or not be as effective. And the hurricane winds could either suck up, or be like a blender, and splatter oil in all directions, so the direction of the wind and hurricane... I also have to study the process and procedures of oil cleanup...Damn this is gonna be one hell of a project. Maybe mrgreen some of my readers think it doesn't make sence. But my biology teacher says that some scientists were experimenting with the exact same thing...So this is something big, and if I could pull it off, I hope I win some money prizes! I feel greedy now, All I'm thinking about is the prize money...Thats the only reason I wanna do such a large scale project. sweatdrop Alright, i'm bored. I'm gonna find something to do. Catch yall later!
Wastelander · Sun Aug 28, 2005 @ 07:45pm · 4 Comments |
That means "I love beautiful girls". wink yeah, my spanish vocabulary is expanding! Yeah. I'm hispanic, not spainish. Spanisih are from Spain, Hispanic comes from Central, and South America. I bet some of my readers learned a new lesson.
Alright, Friday I got some books and my school ID card. Got that outta the way. I got a lock now I need to hunt down a locker thats decent and not rusty! Friday, two upperclassmen tried to dump me in the trash can. neutral The operative word is...tried. There was sorta a short fight. Long story short... I punched one down to the ground, and a friend came to back me up with the other, I went to class after, that lasted less than two minutes tops. I think I've turned into a bad kid since I left N.C. I'm a good kid school wise, behavior and all that, hell no.
I think I lost my wallet here at home, or misplaced. And my debit, miltary ID and all my receipts are in there! gonk Well I haven't checked all my pants and shorts...and under my bed, between the wood and the matress of my bed, under my dresser, or my closet. It should be in a pair of pants or somewhere...hopefully. I have $200 plus dollars left in that account! mad
Nothing else really happened to me. Oh yeah, I found out i'm 5"9. I'm taller. I'm 14 and some of the upperclass men at school, I'm either as tall as, or taller than some of them. I think I was like 5"6 when I left N.C...so yeah, in 10, 11 months about I've grown three inches. And thats not the only thing on me that got taller. Yeah, I just had to sqeeuze a preverted joke in here somewhere... mrgreen
Alright about sums up the past few days of all the important events. Catch you all later.
Wastelander · Tue Aug 16, 2005 @ 08:22pm · 4 Comments |