My Quest
Current Quest is bolded.
Angelic Bracelet 0/40,000 Angelic Pendant 0/210,000 Black Leather Belt 1675/1675 Catfish Whiskers 400/400 Chain Wallet 0/240,000 Golden Laurels 98,000/160,000 Green Beret 2000/2000 Green Longjohns 550/550 Guitar of Angellus 0/32,000 Guitar of Demona 0/30,000 HIPster Green Tint Shades 6500/6500 Satin Green Pajama Pants 1000/1000 Staff of the Angels 0/70,000 sunFlare shoes 2190/2190 Those Black 90s Gloves 980/980 Winged Anklets 0/150,000 Yellow MehTRO T with Cross 1900/1900
The Church of Cruxis · Thu Jun 08, 2006 @ 11:08pm · 0 Comments |
Journal that doesn't involve art in any way. (RANTING) |
I wonder why I still write in this thing. No really reads it, or comments, but I will perserveer(sp?). I am feeling pretty crummy right now, not physically, mentally. I don't know what to do. Ever since I got my laptop, all I seem to do is Gaia. Even when I don't have free time. I realize that it is just a site and has no value on life, but I enjoy talking to all my friends and having a good time. I am quite happy that I am just an average gaian (with no fans, take that as you will, good or bad). Not the center of attention, but still noticed. I have been putting off homework, and the amazing thing, is it still gets done on time. However, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I also am having a hard time remembering to do things. I have pretty good long-term and short-term memories, but I can't remember to do things. I am not having any problems yet, but I am afraid that they might start. Anyways enough of that.
I am think of writing a short story for a writing contest that a university is having. I can think of complex thoughts/titles/characters/worlds(enjoying fantasy the most), but have a hard time getting started. I thought that this contest could be a good thing to enter, as it can be an excerpt from a story, might be fun to write and help me develop ideas, but I can't decide. I also suck at coming up with names for the characters. I have never really thought of a career as an author, but I think I could maybe do it. But I can't decide.
I got my second quarter report card and had all A's except a B+ which is stupid. I am happy with these, but I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up my 4.0 GPA, I am going to have to work hard these last quarters. I can do it I hope. So, although I am not sure how much longer I can keep this up, but Gaia is not causing school problems... yet.
I want the school year to end, and it's half-over. That makes me happy. Unfortunately, at the end of the school year, I am moving again, which makes me sad. I might get to go back to vegas for a week or two though, see some old friends.
I have now finished my rant...
The Ranting Sweed, wasn't that from SHeep in the City? Sorry for the random thought, not like anyone sees these things.
-Anonymous (but you know who I am)
The Church of Cruxis · Tue Feb 07, 2006 @ 01:20am · 2 Comments |
Yes, my beloved Ducky hat was sold by me, and I will get them back after I get my Penguins.
That's all, but I need a lot more gold to finish my quest.
The Church of Cruxis · Wed Jan 11, 2006 @ 08:07pm · 1 Comments |
6th art!!! Keep them coming!! |
More Even More Art!! (My fourth one) |
This one is thanks to twi-san!!!
My art collection continues to grow.
The Church of Cruxis · Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 05:33pm · 0 Comments |