So, me and an unamed friend were on jigsaw. Now, my friend keeps on disappearing and re-appearing, logging in and out of the server. I ask them what's wrong, and they say that the server's playing up. So I just kept playing jigsaw until
BAM! the server message shows up. The thing that caused these, is the elusive Evil Server Killer (or ESK for short.)
But this hasn't just happened to me and my friend. Countless other people have had the ESK strike upon them. So, I ask you my fellow Gaians, rise up and attack this outbreak! For there is not just one, but millions! Feeding on crappy modems and poor servers! So I am starting this club. It is not a guild, but a public club. Anyone is free to join, and help combat the evil ESK.
I suggest plenty of food supplies and a crappy modem to be used as bait. Through experience I have found out that the ESK are vulnerable to shotgun blasts, neck - snappings and Shoryukens. Although not too effective, they also take damage from knife stabs and blows to the head, torso and balls.
To join the ESK hunters simply pm me, and I'll update the list of users as soon as I can. If you wish to remain anonymous however, You shall be included in the number of hunters but will be stated as "anonymous" on the list. It's free to join, and for each 50 members there shall be a prize of 1k to the last of the fifty. So come and sign up!
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Zacfighter's tool of public speech
I use my journal to speak to the people, and to fart around with.
Shooping the whoop, right here on Gaia.