Internet... cause of and solution to all of life's problems. |
Six months between journal entries... not bad. If you couldn't tell, if it's not in my routine (sleeping, work, and TV... with the internet inspersed in there liberally), then it doesn't get done too often. I had to clean my room for the first time in a year. I never do it unless something forces me to. Last year, it was the horrendous snow storm that trapped me in my house for three days over New Years without cable TV or internet. Going completely stir crazy, I set The Sims running (the old one, with the stupid Sim people in it... roving gangs of cockroaches everywhere after leaving them alone for ten minutes) and cleaned until the place looked like an actual room and not some horrible cross between a flop house and a storage space for a gigantic movie geek.
So what set off the flurry of cleanliness? My cable went out and nothing I nor the cable technician on the phone could think to try worked. So, I had one scheduled to come look at it today between one and three... so I actually spent all night clearing away crap so that there'd be room for the guy to work in when he finally showed up. I'm sure it's awfully hard to get someone's internet working when you have to be stepping around piles of DVDs to kneel in the one free space able to hold a human being.
But yes, being without internet for even just a night has completely driven something home to me. The net is a double edged sword. Yes, it's nice to have friends from all over the country, since Reno's not exactly bulging with non-lame people who have the same interests as I. But at the same time, I found myself much less depressed without it. Because at least then, if I'm not talking to anyone, it's because I'm not available... not because there's no one who wants to talk to me. I don't worry about net drama because there's nothing I can do about it with no access, so it's no use even thinking about it.
Maybe I'm just not meant for actual human interaction. I keep thinking that I need to just bite the bullet and withdraw completely, but maybe more of what I need is a change of scene. Well, in a month, I'll be studying in China for five, can't get much more different than that.
Not Chinese... but an interesting beta merman, in any case.
Nuriko Windchaser · Sun Dec 11, 2005 @ 09:17am · 0 Comments |
Remember the old adage... let sleeping kitty-boys lie. |
Haven't posted here in a while... what can I say, I'm too lazy to even update my LiveJournal very often, and that one at least has people that actually read it. *chuckle* This journal is really just for my own personal wank, since I know no one I know will read it.
Finished a new drawing of my Furcadian character, Deiyei. He's by far my favorite of all the characters I've created over the years... yes, he may be a cliched cat-boy, but I still like him.

I'm very proud of this picture... I think it's the best one I've drawn of him yet. Because while he may be beautiful, in this picture, he's actually got a man's legs! *gasps and faints with shock* Usually, no matter how hard I try, my boys tend to end up with a girls's legs. Or, as my brother was so kind to mention as we were wandering about the Shepard show at the art museum this Sunday... I draw women, without the breasts. stressed
Nuriko Windchaser · Tue May 10, 2005 @ 08:30am · 0 Comments |
I'm so tired, all the time. I'm too young to feel this crochety, dammit! That was really driven home to me last night, when cold and rainy weather forced everyone inside at the goth club that I frequent every Wednesday night, and I found myself screaming at the DJ to turn the music down so that I could hear myself think. *laugh* Next step, eating dinner at four thirty in the afternoon.
Ever wonder about what your life SHOULD be? I am fully aware that the media has given me an incredibly warped view of what I should have by now. And my innate self-doubt does the rest. Now, logically I know that I'm not the oldest college student of all time... nor am I the oldest virgin with no religious vocation on the face of the planet. But sometimes it seems that way. I draw out my college education past all reason because I can't visualize myself in the "real" world. Because I have aspirations of greatness... but in my heart of hearts, I don't honestly ever see myself completing any of them. Know how I picture myself in ten years? Working a boring nine-to-five office job, going home and whipping out artwork that is never quite good enough, and sending it off to conventions where pimply teenage boys pay twenty five bucks for an original. And I'm sure that there will be two or three cats in the equation... but no lovers and definately no children. *shudder*
But what do I have now? I'm independent, if poor as a churchmouse. I live in a three-story ivy covered house from the bygone days before tract housing that strikes envy in the hearts of everyone who walks by. I have two jobs that I do enjoy doing most days, even if I'm exhausted by the time I drag myself home at seven at night. If I want something, I buy it. If I want to go somewhere, I go. There's nothing to stop me from saying, "Hey. There's a convention this weekend in San Francisco. I think I'll just pop over there." And I love that. It's everything I wanted when I was a teenager and required to ask my mother for permission for everything.
Does that make me grown up? Something inside me says, "ummmm... no." I don't feel any more mature than I did in high school. Definately more free, but not any more mature. And I can't imagine what would make me feel like an actual, bona-fide adult.
Probably leather. Everyone needs more leather.
Nuriko Windchaser · Thu Oct 21, 2004 @ 08:12pm · 0 Comments |
Best laid plans... now handled by Transportation Services. |
Why do I always think that I'm going to clean my room on a Saturday night/morning? I never do. Something always distracts me. And tonight, it was this:

That's right, I've decided to turn the Celtic Fire piece into a series for the Yaoi-con art show. Ugh... I'm tired. And the documentary about Palistinian hustlers is much more interesting right now than the idea of me prattling on about pointless s**t. Mmmm... pretty boy-whores. Gotta love boy-whores.
Nuriko Windchaser · Sun Oct 03, 2004 @ 12:19pm · 1 Comments |
Freaky bunny-men are the future of America. |
Well, not really. But at least they save my sanity while I try to get through my Contemporary Art class in one piece.

Isn't he fun looking? Wouldn't you wanna find that sucker having a nice cup of coffee while reading the Wall Street Journal in your back yard? I know I would. Because if I did, then I'd know that I've found the exact right amount of absinth needed for a real good day. I already know that one shot is enough to make SeaLab 2021 absolutely fascinating.
Nuriko Windchaser · Sat Oct 02, 2004 @ 08:05am · 1 Comments |
Drugs and fireworks... a fantastic combination. |
Ok, so adorable kittens nuzzling my face seemed so cute last night... too bad I'm still paying for it today. xp I've been taking Benedril and Sudafed all damn day long, I'm surprised that I managed to walk at all. But I managed to drive to my sister's house for pizza and Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
Because that's just what this country needs. A c**k in a frock on a rock.
But now I'm home. And while I was working on my latest drawing and listening to the live broadcast of one of the local DJs on Live365, my lovely goth electronica was disturbed by the sounds of motorcycles and fireworks. I'll be soooooo glad when Street Vibrations is over. The bikers are all nice and polite, but those damn motorcycles are so loud! And I live only a few blocks away from the convention.
But at least I managed to finally finish my drawing. This'll be on sale at the Yaoi-con art show.
Nuriko Windchaser · Sun Sep 26, 2004 @ 11:00am · 1 Comments |
Rome wasn't built in a day... oh wait, it was! |
Ok, so I'm trying this journal thing out on Gaia. I dunno how often I'll use it, since I can't even manage to update my LiveJournal more than once every two or three weeks... but hell, why not? At the very least, I can post my most recent artwork here, secure in the illusion that there are people out there who actually find this thing and care to look at my doodles.
Right now I'm working on a color-pencil piece of a man in a loincloth with a celtic cross behind him. I am quite pleased with it so far... since for once, it actually looks like *gasp* a MAN!
Normally, I just let the viewer draw their own conclusions about the gender of the figures in my drawings, since the whole concept of bishonen escapes most normal folk. But generally, the rule is that if you don't see actual breasts, then it's a man. With this drawing, there is no doubt.
Well, until I finish this piece sometime tonight or tomorrow, here is the last one I finished:

I'm in love with color pastel paper, baby!
Nuriko Windchaser · Sat Sep 25, 2004 @ 02:28am · 4 Comments |