Naturally I can't figure out how to make a vid on my computer so I figure posting it someplace so I remember is the next best thing. xd
Putting this just in case: This is my personal list of the guys I like I know people may agree and disagree with me especially if they think someone is cuter/hotter/better looking/whatever over the guys I pick but these are the guys I like and in all honesty most likely had crushes on at one point/have crushes on and that's just the way it is everyone is entitled to their opinions. 4laugh
Also I went with ten cause it's an even number and I figured anymore then that the people who read this would get tired of reading though I easily could have gone higher. cat_rofl Oh they all have images just couldn't get them all up so did urls for most of them instead.
Okay let's get started:
At Number 10
Peter Pan. I know he's like 12 but he was one of if not the first Disney movie I ever saw and my first Disney crush{but naturally not the last}. x3
Original Peter Poster
Number 9
Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. Another long standing favorite as Alice ties with Peter for being the one of if not the first Disney movie I ever saw and still love. I just always loved Hatter for some reason and I especially loved the Hatter in the Disney series Adventures in Wonderland.
Mad Hatter
Hatter from Adventures in Wonderland
Number 8
Ichabod Crane from The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Something I saw just about ever Halloween as a kid and loved Ichabod in it, never understood why Katrina{girl in pic} liked Brom Bones.

Number 7
TIE! John Smith{first pic} & Thomas{second pic} from Pocahontas. One of my all time favorite movies and these two were my favs, I admit Thomas didn't have a lot of screen time but I loved him just the same.
John Smith
Number 6
Jim Hawkins from Treasure Planet. I know people seem to either hate or love this movie and I'm on the love side. It was wonderful and Jim was a great character, his father-son relationship with Silver was well done too.
Number 5
Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty. The start of my crushes on Disney Princes and I don't mind a bit. *w*
Number 4
Puck/Owen from Gargoyles. The same person and I just love him so much. xD
As Owen
Number 3
Beast/Prince Adam from Beauty and the Beast. My favorite Disney Prince. I admit he scared me at first when he was the Beast but that was mainly due to him yelling after he got over that I loved him. I know a lot of people complain about Adam, his Prince half, but I think he's very handsome. I love him either way though. <3
Beast & Adam
Number 2
Quasimodo from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Yes Quasimodo out ranks all the Princes and other guys to come in at number 2, why? Cause even though most people probably don't find him to be I think he's one of the best, most handsome characters Disney has created and I have no trouble saying I would so marry him cause I love him for being the sweet guy he is.
And finally at Number 1
Ralph from Wreck-it Ralph. Naturally my newest favorite Disney guy/crush is number 1. xD I love Ralph for the same reason I love all the characters I listed, their personality. Yes he may have made some bad choices but he's still a great guy with a good heart and lets face it he shows how sweet he is when he's around Vanellope whose like his kid sister/daughter. He's also the kind of guy that to me gives off the "you're like a teddy bear I just want to hug and snuggle you" vibe. x3

Well that's my list I know it may be a little weird but that's who I like. yum_puddi