Tell me Why is it that every time you make me mad, I cant help but for give you?
Tell me Why is it that every time you laugh your stupid laugh, an I can't help but laugh with you?
Tell me Why is it that every time your around I just can't help but to smile?
Tell me Why is it that every time you hold my hand, I get the funny feeling inside of me?
Tell me Why is it that every time I tell you to leave me alone, you never go?
Tell me Why is it that every time I cry, is always because of you?
Tell me Why is it that the time I needed you you weren't their?
Tell me Why is it that you played with my heart?
Tell me Why is it that you lied to me?
Tell me Why is it that you hurt me?
Tell me Why is it that you you left me standing all alone in the dark when you said you would be their?
Tell me, Please, Please, Tell why, why have you broken my heart, an yet I still cant help but love you?
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