- Well..as it turns out Nick didn't get a haircut XD To avoid getting demerits he cut the sides himself. So yea.. He still has is super awesome slightly long, short hair of his. X3 So cuuuuute.... -drool- heart w heart heheheh anyway yea...
Today was ok. Had an ortho appointment.. I have great news but I guess I'll tell everyone... I mean I was planning on keeping it a secret and shocking people but..half the people say my braces aren't that noticeable so...
In June or was it July..well sometime this summer.. I'M GETTING MAI BRACES OFF!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Then I hafta wear a retainer..but still NO BRACES!!! WHOOPTY WHOOOO!!!! XD Anyway...I'm kinda tired...Gonna play video games or something..or just...gather more gold on my mules...i dunno...
~Blitz signing off this sn lol