If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
dentist woes
I'm at home today thanks to my dentist appointment yesterday. My jaw is stiff and sore from sitting in the chair for almost an hour and a half while he worked on my damaged molars. Last year I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled because they were coming in on an angle. 2 had caused damage to the molars in front and yesterday that damaged was filled in. But to do that required some drilling and a bit of digging. Too bad the freezing didn't take completely on my left side eekgonkcrying . Not fun. But then because the damage is to the back of the molars and was deep, it made things difficult for the dentist and now I am paying for it today. cry
So now I am here stuck at home eating soup or stuff that requires little chewing.
But I am not overly upset. Today I am able to do some work in my craft room. I am sooo behind. My sister gave me some of her bead jewelry to fix for her just before christmas, plus I have been wanting to paint a picture on my schedule book. And I have to finish my doll house, and costumes and doll cloths...plus what ever else I feel like doing. I haven't been down there for a while because of a flea infestation, and a lack of interest, then getting side tracked with some pewter figurine painting. But today I am hoping to make up for it.
So far I have painted a tiger picture on the front of my work schedule/callendar. He looks cool.
Now I am taking a break before working on the beads. Time to get some gold and work on my avatars house smile