Chapter 1 – Dark Ninja and Dark Moon
Two sisters. Dark Moon and Dark Ninja. Dark Moon, the younger one, is five feet tall. She is evil, but not as evil as her older sister. She has a sword, smoke grenades, shuriken in the shape of a half or full moon, skill in making booby-traps, and is skilled in martial arts. She wears a black, short sleeved shirt, tight fitting pants, boots that come knee high length with a yellow rim on the top, black gloves that cut off at the knuckles, and spiked bracelets. She has emerald green eyes, tan skin and black hair that comes to her shoulders.
Her older sister, Dark Ninja is an entirely different story. She is five foot eleven inches. She is pure evil…as some say, worse than pure evil. She has a black, long sleeved shirt, tight fitting pants, boots with spikes on the rim, and gloves. She has black hair that runs down her back, eyes that change color with what she wears, and pale skin. She has a kyoketsu-shogei (12 ft. chain), Kusari-fundo (2 to 3 ft. chain), Kusari-gama (a single edged blade with a 12 ft. chain attached), Kaginawa (a 30 ft. rope with a grappling iron attached to it), bo (a 6 ft. long staff), jo (4 ft. long staff), hambo (a 3 ft. long staff), shinobi-zue (ninja cane -ordinary looking cane with a wide array of fighting tools inside the end), ninja-to (a small blade), tsuba (a hand guard for swords), shuriken (throwing blades/knives or a.k.a. ninja stars), a semban shuriken (straight knife – a type of shuriken), throwing needles, smoke grenades, handclaws (shuko, tekagi), and is also skilled in martial arts and swords fighting – her name says it all. She also has back-up weapons stored inside her outfit. To top it all off, Dark Ninja is one tough, formidable opponent and she isn’t someone to be reckoned with – especially when she’s mad.
Dark Moon ran away from her home on a quest to find her sister, because her parents died in an accident. Tears ran down Dark Moon’s cheeks as she remembered how her parents died. This is all my fault. If I hadn’t wanted to find my sister, I could have saved them. She thought as she ran. She finally reached a village, where she hoped to find her sister by doing what Dark Moon was sure would attract her older sister – crime.
She walked silently across the alleyway. She stopped when she reached a corner of an old, dilapidated building. She turned her body 60 degrees so that she could see what was around the corner, but those around the corner could not see her. She allowed herself a small smile. She then took off running. When she reached the other side, she jumped up into the air, did a triple summersault as she landed on a skinny railing. Then she leaped into the air and grabbed hold of a small piece of railing that was above her, and using the momentum from the swing, flipped off and landed silently in front of an old, but still functional building. She looked around and spotted a pile of crates containing explosives. She grinned. It was time to make her own exit.
Let’s see what kind of ‘ horrible’ things I can do. Dark Moon thought as she walked into a shop that was marked: Black Market. Dark Moon walked inside to see what kind of jobs she could apply for. As she walked inside, Dark Moon saw a scrawny looking man approaching her, shouting at her in a language that was unfamiliar to Dark Moon.
“What did you say?” She asked.
“I said, no kids allowed. This is the Black Market, for Adults Only.” The strange man said.
“I’m not a kid. I came to apply for a job,” Dark Moon said.
“Why? There’s no-“ The strange man started but was interrupted by a loud shout.
“Klpis! Get over here!” The voice boomed. Klpis glared at Dark Moon and hurried off to see what the man had wanted. Five minutes later, Klpis came back.
“Ok, you can work here, but you have to work with a partner, since you’re new.” Klpis said with a grin on his face.
“Ok, fine. Who’s my partner and where do I find him?” Dark Moon asked while roiling her eyes.
“You can find her in the dark alleyways. You have to bring her here.” Klpis answered. “But I wouldn’t keep her waiting.”
“What’s her name?” Dark Moon asked.
Klpis shrugged. “Dark Ninja.” He then walked off.
Thanks a lot. Dark Moon thought as she walked out of the Black Market to find her partner.
She grinned. Three…Two…One…BOOM. She could feel the blast’s effect and felt the heat of the explosion as she ran. She saw a small pipe, just big enough for her to crawl into. She pulled out her kyoketsu-shogei and used it to lift the pipe into the air and flung it behind her as she back flipped and jumped on top of the pipe and leapt off of the pipe and onto a buildings rooftop, then ran and headed towards the Black Market.
As Dark Moon turned around she felt something knock her over. She tried to regain her balance, but fell. She looked up with glaring eyes at the figure who had stopped.
“What’d you do that for? You don’t know who you’re messin’ with.” Dark Moon demanded. The figure glared at her. Dark Moon flinched.
“Answer me!” Dark Moon demanded. There was silence.
“Shut up.” The strange person finally said as she started to walk off.
“W-wait!” Dark Moon called after the strange figure. The strange figure waited.
“Hey can you help me find this person named Dark Ninja?” Dark Moon asked.
“Why?” The stranger asked.
“I’m supposed to be her partner.” Dark Moon answered. The stranger smirked.
“Take a guess.” The stranger said.
“I don’t know…um….um…um…..well….um…” Dark Moon started.
“I’m Dark Ninja.” The stranger finally interrupted. Dark Moon’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Who gave you permission to be partners with me?” Dark Ninja asked.
“This guy named…uh, what was it…Klpis?…yeah, that was it.” Dark Moon answered.
“Klpis? Don’t listen to him. He’s an idiot.” Dark Ninja said as she started to walk off with Dark Moon tagging along asking all sorts of questions.
“Hey, were you the one who knocked me over? Are you really a ninja or is it just your name? Are you the best out there, cause I wanna be.” Dark Moon asked and kept asking all sorts of questions.
“Don’t you ever shut up?” Dark Ninja asked.
“Uh, no.” Dark Moon answered. Dark Ninja rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. Let’s just get this mission over with. And I’m the boss, you just obey my rules and you – if you’re lucky – don’t get hurt. Got it?” Dark Ninja demanded. Dark Moon nodded.
Dark Moon followed Dark Ninja as quietly as she could, and obviously wasn’t doing a very good job, for Dark Ninja had to keep telling Dark Moon to be quiet.
“So, what are we going to do?” Dark Moon asked in a whisper. Dark Ninja stopped and turned around.
“I want you to go inside that building-” she nodded towards a building that was barely standing, “-and steal the Jade’s Shadow and meet me right back here.” Dark Ninja ordered.
“I haven’t stolen anything before.” Dark Moon protested. Dark Ninja rolled her eyes and muttered, “Why’d they choose me to help this punk?”
“Look, just go inside, stay in the shadows, walk straight, turn left, go straight, turn left, turn left, turn right, jump, jump, do a 60 degrees twist, jump, roll, duck, turn left, go straight, turn right, jump, duck, roll, grab the Jade’s Shadow, and do just the opposite of the directions that I told you.” Dark Ninja said without a moment’s hesitation.
“Um, could you write that down for me?” Dark Moon asked. Dark Ninja groaned aloud.
“Look, it’s not that hard.” Dark Ninja said as she pushed Dark Moon forward and disappeared.
“B-But…” Dark Moon started, then sighed as she headed towards the old building.
As Dark Moon entered the doorway, she noticed that there were three different paths to choose from. “Ok, let’s see now, I go…right… no, left…or was it straight?” Dark Moon thought aloud. Dark Moon sighed. Since right is always right, I’ll go right. Dark Moon thought as she headed right. The further she went, the darker the place became, until Dark Moon stumbled into pitch-black darkness. Oh, boy. I was never good at seeing things in the dark. Why’d I even apply for this job again? Dark Moon thought as she tripped on something and let out a loud scream. As she got up, she heard voices coming towards her. I can’t believe on my first assignment I’m being chased. Dark Moon thought as she started running. As she ran, she stumbled over everything, trying to find a way out. Thinking that she sees a door, she runs faster only to crash into a wall. “Ouch. That hurt.” Dark Moon said as she found the door and burst out and found herself face to face with Dark Ninja, who was holding the Jade’s Shadow in her right hand.
“Hey, I was supposed to get that, so give it to me!” Dark Moon yelled at Dark Ninja as she ran forward and tried to grab the Jade’s Shadow. Dark Ninja in answer, spun around, grabbed hold of Dark Moon’s hair, and held the Jade’s Shadow just out of Dark Moon’s reach.
“Lesson number one, listen to instructions. Lesson number two, never make noise. Lesson number three, teamwork is important, so don’t expect to do everything yourself. Lesson number four, you went the wrong way and made a fool of yourself – something, which you should never do while trying to steal something. And thanks for the distraction.” Dark Ninja said as she put the Jade’s Shadow in one of her many pockets on her jacket. Dark Moon groaned.
“But I would have gotten it, if you hadn’t come along.” Dark Moon protested. Dark Ninja barked a laugh.
“And that’s why you went the wrong way. Right.” Dark Ninja said sarcastically as she dragged Dark Moon back to the Black Market.
“Can you let go of me, I can walk you know.” Dark Moon said as she tried to get free from Dark Ninja’s grasp. “Hey! I said let go, not squeeze my hand off.” Dark Moon shouted.
“You do realize I’m not going to let go.” Dark Ninja said as she turned her head.
“Well could you at least loosen your grip?” Dark Moon asked.
“Let me think about it.” Dark Ninja said sarcastically. “No.”
“Please.” Dark Moon begged. In answer, Dark Ninja tightened her grip on Dark Moon. Dark Moon yelped in pain, but Dark Ninja wouldn’t loosen her grip. When they finally reached the Black Market, Dark Ninja let go of Dark Moon and walked inside with Dark Moon following close behind.
“I want my payment, now.” Dark Ninja ordered to Klpis. In answer, Klpis pulled out an array of weapons. Dark Ninja took her time inspecting the weapons, then nodded her head. Klpis gave her the weapons and held out his hand for the Jade’s Shadow. When he didn’t get it, he frowned at Dark Ninja.
“Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that the Jade’s Shadow is part of my payment, along with these weapons.” Dark Ninja said and grinned. Klpis looked at Dark Ninja in disbelief.
“But, I need the Jade’s Shadow.” He protested.
“Not as much as I do.” Dark Ninja said and shrugged as she walked out of the Black Market, with Dark Moon following closely behind.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Dark Moon said as they left the Black Market.
“No.” Dark Ninja said.
“Um, me.” Dark Moon said as she pointed to herself.
“What are you talking about?” Dark Ninja asked as she turned around to face Dark Moon.
“Ya know, my payment.” Dark Moon said.
“Your payment? You didn’t do anything.” Dark Ninja said as she continued walking.
“I did do something.” Dark Moon said.
“Yeah, like what?’ Dark Ninja asked and silently walked off. Dark Moon didn’t notice and kept talking.
“Well, I helped to distract the guards, I admit that I went the wrong way, but the directions that you gave me were confusing, and I would have gotten the Jade’s Shadow but I didn’t know what it looked like.” Dark Moon stopped talking when she noticed that she had received no answer. She turned around to see that Dark Ninja had disappeared.
“Dark Ninja… Dark Ninja…this isn’t funny!” Dark Moon said nervously as she realized Dark Ninja had left. Dark Moon continued to walk, calling Dark Ninja’s name as she walked.
“Um, excuse me, but why are you looking for Dark Ninja?” A voice asked from behind Dark Moon. Dark Moon turned to see someone coming towards her.
“Well, she’s supposed to be my partner, but she left me.” Dark Moon said.
“Don’t worry, she did that to me, too. She hates partners. I’m looking for her too.” The stranger guy said.
“Want to help me?” Dark Moon asked.
The strange man shrugged. “Sure.” They both walked off to find Dark Ninja, with Dark Moon asking a lot of questions.
Chapter 2 – The Search for Dark Ninja
As they walked down the murky, slimy alleyways, Dark Moon shivered. She noticed that the temperature had lowered since she and Meizu had begun to search for Dark Ninja. Dark Moon looked up to see the sun starting to sink into the cloudless sky. We’ve got to find Dark Ninja soon. Dark Moon thought and shivered. Or else.
Dark Moon. Why did that name come to haunt her? Where had she heard it before? And why did that name bring those horrible memories back? What had she done to deserve this? She couldn’t answer all of these questions, except the last one. She knew what she had done and she had done it…proudly, without shame, and yet she didn’t feel guilty, she felt more…alive? That was the only way to describe it. And she remembered…
“This is it.” Meizu said once he and Dark Moon had reached Dark Ninja’s place. Dark Moon shook her head nervously.
“Are you sure that Dark Ninja won’t mind?” She asked nervously. “I mean, what if she’s home?” Dark Moon asked.
“Trust me. Dark Ninja’s never home.” Meizu said.
“How do you know?” Dark Moon asked with suspicion creeping in her voice.
“As I said, trust me.” Meizu said as he opened the door to see Dark Ninja standing in the doorway. Meizu quickly closed the door.
“But then again, I could be wrong.” He said as Dark Ninja opened the door, face blank.
“What do we do now?” Dark Moon asked as Dark Ninja turned her head to look at her.
“Run.” Meizu said quickly as he took off before Dark Moon could respond.
“What do you want?” Dark Ninja asked.
“I want to know why you ran off without telling me!” Dark Moon demanded. Dark Ninja rolled her eyes.
“I had business to do. Business that you would be no help in doing, so I left you.” Dark Ninja said with a satisfied nod. Dark Moon rolled her eyes. As if that solved anything.
“Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?” Dark Moon asked.
“I didn’t feel like it.” Dark Ninja said as she turned around and went inside the shack, closing the door behind her. That went well. Dark Moon thought.
“Is she gone yet?” A voice whispered. Dark Moon recognized the voice as Meizu.
“No.” Dark Moon said.
“Tell me when she leaves.” Meizu demanded.
“Ok.” Dark Moon said and walked away, leaving Meizu behind.
That was a good one. He’ll be waiting forever. Dark Moon thought with a satisfied smile as she headed toward the Black Market.
“What do you want now?” Klpis asked in an annoyed tone as Dark Moon entered the Black Market.
“I want you to leave her be.” A voice commanded as a very cute guy appeared out of the shadows. Klpis looked at the guy, then smiled.
“Sure. I’m sorry for the…inconvenience, Dark Shadow.” Klpis then left.
Dark Shadow, huh? Not bad. Dark Moon thought as she unconsciously blushed.
“Dark Moon, right?” Dark Shadow asked. Dark Moon nodded, unable to speak.
“Then you must know Dark Ninja.” It wasn’t a question, more like a demand.
Why is it always Dark Ninja? Dark Moon thought, but nodded.
“Will you take me to her?” Dark Shadow asked. Dark Moon nodded, speechless, as she led Dark Shadow to Dark Ninja’s place.
“Hello.” Dark Moon said. She frowned as she received no answer.
“Oh be quiet!” Dark Ninja yelled as she slammed open the door. “What do you want?” She asked, annoyed.
“Um, Dark Shadow wants to see you.” Dark Moon answered. Dark
Ninja looked at Dark Shadow for a while, then nodded for him to enter. As Dark Shadow stepped inside Dark Ninja’s house, Dark Moon tried to follow but Dark Ninja stopped her.
“Dark Shadow only. Go to the Black Market and wait for me. I’ll come to meet you there in a little while.” Dark Ninja said as she slammed the door in Dark Moons face.
How rude. Dark Moon thought as she headed for the Black Market.
Once she reached the Black Market, Dark Moon waited for Dark Ninja to show up.
She waited….
And waited…
And waited…
And waited, until Dark Moon finally gave up on the chance that Dark Ninja was ever going to show up and decided to look for Dark Ninja herself.
Where would Dark Ninja be? Dark Moon thought as she went inside the Black Market.
“What do you want now?!” Klpis shrieked as Dark Moon entered.
“I want you to tell me where I can find Dark Ninja.” Dark Moon said.
Klpis shook his head. “If she’s not with you, you lost her for good. And don’t expect to be her partner again. Once she dumps you, you’re history - in her book anyway.” Klpis said as he turned around and got back to work.
“I don’t get it. What’s so important about Dark Ninja?” Dark Moon asked. Klpis sighed.
“Well, for starters, she founded this place. Not much, but it’s a great place for people who like to live on the low side. She gives you a place to live, if you want, new ID Text Docs. She even supplies us with food, and clothing. She also pays for everything; the bills, the housing, repairs - you name it. She even pays us, too. Sure she’s a little rough around the edges, but she’s really not that bad. She does all of that for us and all she wants from us is to treat her with respect. I think that’s a pretty good deal if you ask me.” Klpis finished with a nod as he went back to work.
Maybe Dark Ninja’s not so bad after all. Dark Moon thought as she started to walk out of the Black Market.
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