So last night i went to this all night prayer thing, it was so much fun.
We started the night out with some worship and just praising God.
Then we sat in a circle and out loud one at a time thanked God for everything he is to us we thanked him for his forgiveness, his unfailing love, his patience, for never letting us go and so much more!!!
Then we did the same thing with things we needed forgiveness for and prayed over everything that was said.
Then we had prayer time to ourselves where we could just walk around, or sit or whatever and talk to God about any struggles we had, any worries whatever we wanted. It was just you and God .
Then we wrote names of our non-Christian friends on a huge white sheet of paper and when we were done we hung it up and prayed for each person on the list. That they would come to know Christ
Then we wrote the names of our schools on pieces of paper and hung them up on the wall, and we prayed for our schools, for their to be revival in the schools, that we would no longer be afraid to share the word of God, that we would break down the barriers,the walls, the chains in the school and that the school would be healed that people would willing give their lives up for Christ.
The last 2 hours we could sleep, i prayed, then fell asleep for an hour, there is no better way to fall asleep than within the presence of God, after i woke up i felt so refreshed, the best way to fall asleep is in the middle of a prayer, after staying up all night praying to God. Even with one hour of sleep you just feel so refreshed, revived!!
The power of God filled the room we were in, that is so amazing when you can feel God entering you and changing you. Then on the count of 3 we all shouted JESUS because that's the one thing the devil hates the most is the name of Jesus, there is power in the name of Jesus Christ!!!!
Not one person left there with there hearts unchanged, everyone had a new passion, a new burning fire for Christ. So much happened there last night i couldn't list everything we did, i only listed not even half it was the most amazing night of my life.
Thanks for reading! God Bless
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