Mom has a sick sense of humor. It's now officially Passover (Happy Passover by the why mrgreen ) and I can't eat anything that isn't kosher. So what does my LOVELY mother do?!? SHE PUTS POCKY IN THE VERY FRONT OF THE CUPBOARD 'COS I CAN'T EAT IT. She's meeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaan.
<-- In anticipation of pocky withdrawl
Also, I had another moment of embarassingly overwhelming me-ness. While me, Mom, and my cousin Rich were leaving to go to seder dinner at Bubby's, I fell off the top of the steps on the deck. While holding a glass bottle of wine. The wine was okay. I hit my head and smashed my knee. Oh yeah, go me. Now my knee is all black and blue, but I managed to escape Mom- she thought my leg was broken and wanted to go to to ER. Now THAT would've been a fun start to the holiday sweatdrop
Update of DEATH!! No seriously, I nearly died-
Okay, I had another moment of overwhelming me-ness today. I was in my mom's room watching Court TV (I don't watch tv in there a lot, but me and Mom were watching it and her lunch break was nearly over so she had to leave, and I wanted to finish the episode) and the episode finished, so I turned off the tv so I could go in the other room to do something else. However I only got to the part where I turned the tv off before I saw reflected in the blank screen -RIGHT FREAKING BEHIND ME- half of a Scream mask. So, being the intelligent person that I am, I handled the situation in a calm, collected manner and quickly deduced that there is no way half a Scream mask could be behind me................Oh, fine I screamed like the paraniod nutjob that I am and nearly fell off the bed. It turns out that the white bottle of lotion and white kleenex box next to each other on her nightstand looked like a Scream mask in the reflection from the tv, and I scared the hell out of the dog. You have no idea how many episodes of The Daily Show it took to calm me down.................... burning_eyes
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
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Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.
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