" So swallow the knife… "
Well, today was better than yesterday. Apparantly my allergy medication is helping my sickness, so I'm getting better. :3
Physical Science- All we did was take notes. Booooring. D:
U.S. History- We graded our quizzes from a few weeks ago (I made a 46%, woo...xD; ). We only went outside for like...3 minutes, which made me mad. T.T;
Algebra 1- More math problems over addition and subtraction whateverkindofproblems. xD I worked ahead and had most of the hour to study for the periodic table quiz that's...tomorrow. x.x
P.E.- Ugh, I was PISSED. First and second hours didn't do anything in there because of MAP Testing, but WE had to. ._.; We went out to the track and walked around.
Intro to Computers- Started a new lesson. It's still easy stuff. My nose bled partway through the class though. ;~; I had to rush to the bathroom.
English 1- All we did in English was a worksheet. I got it done and my Spelling/Vocab that's due Friday. :3
Band- Another day of Solo/Ensemble practice. It's supposed to go on all week. I pretty much had a freeday of doing nothing, since Derek and Richard practiced with the brass ensemble they're in.
" …carve the way for your pride… "