Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
Father Joe
The screen buzzed for a moment, Imperial equipment struggling to decode and play the Xeno's frequency.
"Greetings Gue'La! I am Shas'O T'Olku J'Kaara Ko'Vash, Commander in charge of the Tau's expeditionary force in this sector. I come bearing the word of the Greater Good, and I hope that we can have many words together. I have set up an open channel to receive messages should you reply Gue'La, and I eagerly await a chance to speak to you again. Until then, Shas'O out."The Tau Commander, his High Gothic serviceable but off enough to betray his Xenos origins,seemed generally eager to converse. A small Air Caste drone ship had entered the system, relaying an open channel across the vast distances of space...
((actually,I was just bored,and noticed that in the Rp we are going to be allies of a sort, so i thought I would say Hi. I'm also feeling Rp-ish, so i made a lil nonsense post, which will have nothing to do with the actual storyline most likely, I thought it was just fun to do.))
"Greetings Gue'La! I am Shas'O T'Olku J'Kaara Ko'Vash, Commander in charge of the Tau's expeditionary force in this sector. I come bearing the word of the Greater Good, and I hope that we can have many words together. I have set up an open channel to receive messages should you reply Gue'La, and I eagerly await a chance to speak to you again. Until then, Shas'O out."The Tau Commander, his High Gothic serviceable but off enough to betray his Xenos origins,seemed generally eager to converse. A small Air Caste drone ship had entered the system, relaying an open channel across the vast distances of space...
((actually,I was just bored,and noticed that in the Rp we are going to be allies of a sort, so i thought I would say Hi. I'm also feeling Rp-ish, so i made a lil nonsense post, which will have nothing to do with the actual storyline most likely, I thought it was just fun to do.))
((Smells like fun. A couple spaces after punctuation and everything's set.))
Father Joe let the message play itself out, images of scenarios already flowing through his mind.
Peaceful entry.
Possible cover-up.
Return a message.
Usual run?
The Chaplian rose from his chair and circled the large briefing table. The two Marines ever vigilant at the door shown no signs of noticing, but seemed to recieve his thoughts in order. They quickly exitted.
Father Joe readied the vox.
"All hands, we have a possible meeting with Tau forces. Set the table and get the carpet."
The Hellbent awoke in an instant. Its intrails alive with movement and action.
The Tau force blazed into space, using the small stutter-step jump Tau ships needed to use,not having the psyker genes to successfully traverse the Warp.
The Tau force was smaller than normal, a few small scout craft surrounding a mid-sized battleship that looked formidable, yet sleek enough that it would be better suited to Hit-and-Run tactics. A spherical Kroot ship clung to its hull like a Remora to a shark, using the Tau engines for speed.
Shas'O Ko'Vash settled back with a sigh in his command chair, situated deep in the bowels of his ship, overlooking a three-dimensional hologram of the system. A drone to his left rolled out statistics as the sensors caught them, but this was not his battle.
The Shas'O was smart enough to know that his part was on the ground, and that the Air-caste under his command were more capable of achieving results without him stumbling about like an imbecile.
Gue'La chatter started jumping across the system, though the Tau force hung back towards the edge, retaking the small Drone courier that had delivered his first message.
A second stabbed out, purposely slowed and uncompressed in order for the Gue'la systems to more accurately decode.
Shas'O took a small sip from a tube of water connected to his chair, letting it smooth his throat before he allowed the connection, his expressionless, Tau face looking out at the Human Commander.
"Ah, Gue'La, it is a pleasure to finally meet you face to face, I see from ym sensors that you have not moved to attack us yet, and for that I am glad.
"Perhaps we may speak to each other yes?" he tilted his head, Drones flitting behind him, on programmed tasks about his command chair. He hit a button and the message was sent. It would take a few moments for the reply, and he settled back to wait.
A door to his right slid open seamlessly, and an Elder Kroot stepped in, dressed in tribal uniform and carrying his Kroot rifle in one clawed hand, a stark contrast to the smooth, metallic innards of the Tau ship.
"Are you sure of this O'Ko'Vash?" The Kroot spoke, it's vocal cords adding an odd gurglling, gravelly tone to the voice.
"I still do not see what you see in them, most of them are not even worthy as Meat."The Kroot continued,but fell silent as the Shas'O lifted a hand.
"Yes,I have heard your arguments Brother, and I will not let my hopes cloud my vision. But I feel that more can be gained than simple aggression, we must make peace with the Gue'La, show them the True path."
"And if not.......We will do what must be done." The Commander said with finality , and the Kroot grinned a fang-filled smile.
He did indeed know.
'Ships coming into view now.' the servitor spoke breathlessly.
The bridge view supported his words as a small fleet of Tau ships appeared out of the darkness.
Father Joe was deep in thought over his next actions. He had dealt with peace before, and those who killed under its cloak.
"Hendrix, I shall leave you to defend this ship. Brawnden, your squad is needed." He voxed into his ship. He switch the vox off and spoke directly to the servitor, "Bring us to them. Slowly." He turned to face two other servitors, "Keep the cannons ready, fingers on trigger. Do not fire less instructed."
A scarred and grizzly Marine strode into the bridge chamber, a heavy bolter strapped to his back as if it where lighter than a standard bolter.
"Sir, my guts ain't goin' along with this." he said.
"As they are any time when xenos are near. It is the misguided way of the Humans seeping back into your mind. Remember Hendrix, this repention will forever rid us of its presence." The Chaplain returned.
"Aye sir. I know it." Hendrix said, and turned to leave. He stopped at the door and spoke again, "Oh, and sir?"
"Yes, brother?"
"Bring one of those Burst Cannons back this time, eh?"
The Tau ships approached openly, though they dispersed just a tad,spreading out so that if attacked their would be something to retaliate with. The Kroot ship remained clutched to the Tau flagship's belly, though the archaic-looking cannons swiveled to watch the Imperial ship.
The Tau ship sent another transmission, which fizzled and popped underneath the audio, the quality degraded switching and changing to Imperial standards.
"Ah Gue'La, I notice you do not attack me on sight, that bodes well for us, Don't you think?" The face of the commander appeared again, lips quirking in what could pass as a human smile.
"Would you care to meet on a ship, or is there someplace close by we could use as neutral ground? I would not want our men killing each other." He chuckled suddenly, leaning forward so that his stormy-colored eyes looked deeply into the screen.
"As a gesture of good faith, I will allow you to choose the meeting place, and will come with only a small Honor guard." His voice turned slightly conspiratorial.
"To be honest, my Shas'La would not allow me to leave un-escorted, Ah, the burden of Command."
He leaned back, and the eccentric Tau turned formal.
"Shas'O out, awaiting your signal"
"Hmmm...they take similair precausions, commander." Brawnden, his giant armor and fists blocking most of the view on the bridge. His squad filled half of the bridge.
"As would anyone who isn't desperate, Brawnden. But I do know of your worries. No Whitnesses inside their ships can cause many worries." Father Joe replied solemly.
A serf, tiny amongst the giant Terminators and Chaplain, hustled through the door.
"Another message sire!"
"Thank you, young brother. Brawnden, with me."
(In this part, Father Joe reviews the latest message.)
"Good. So long as all things are neutral, peace will continue." The Chaplain thought aloud. He then voxed, "Hendrix, ready your squad in the docking bays. Thaddeus on rails. Foggy, hold back. Brawnden, prepare the briefing room."
The large Terminator nodded and jogged away. The comms room was empty now, save for Father Joe and several uncaring servitors.
"Commander Shas'O T'Olku J'Kaara Ko'Vash, I do understand why a Commander must have an escort and it will be granted to you. So long as no aggression is expressed by your or my forces, we shall have peace. I shall await your arrival on my ship and shall send you the docking coordinates."
One of the servitors veered off its usual routine of tapping to send the message, then melted back into the rythem.
Father Joe marched out of the comms room, an old determination creeping down his arms and through his chest.
"May this be my repentance."
The Tau remained silent accept for an automated affirmative, a small shuttle detaching from the main Tau ship, thrusters burning a bright blue, ionized traila cross space, leaving the safety of the small Tau fleet.
Inside, Shas'O Ko'Vash stood in full battlesuit, the green glowing "eye" of his suit sweeping around the cramped interior. Two other crisis suits stood with him, their frames braced to the wall on either side, allowing their Shas'O the more roomy standing position in the center. An air-caste flyer hunched over it's seat, talking silently with the Tau fleet, reporting its progress.
The Kroot Shaper had a claw hooked around one of the Battlesuit's arms, while a half dozen pack of carnivores bunkered down across the small hold. They gripped their rifles tightly, but didn't seem concerned, talking together in their own whistling tongue.
"I still think this is a mistake O'Ko'Vash." The Commander sighed as one of the battlesuits occupants spoke.
"I am aware of your concern Tsua'M, but we have gone over this. Fighting each other will only end in mutual annihilation. We must accept the Gue'La as we have done others, show that we respect their Ideals while showing them the proper Path. It has been done before, and they have Honor, I have seen it in those that have joined us willingly." He spoke passionately, a conviction in his tone that came across even through a comm channel.
"As you say O'Ko'Vash, I still do not trust these Gue'La, they are odd creatures, the lot of them!" This from the Kroot Shaper, who received a slow glance from the Commander, though he only sighed again.
"We shall see, hopefully before they decide a Commander of the Tau is a worthy prize for their God-Emperor. " Tsua'M muttered, drawing a cackling from the Kroot, who traced the edge of the wicked blades on their guns with apparent glee.
The shuttle rocked,the sounds of alien docking portals mating with imperial design resounding with low Booms through the craft.
The battlesuits activated controls inside their suits, and drone units attached to the wall came to life, a pair of shield drones at his shoulders as he stepped majestically through the portal. He paused a moment,then removed the helmet,looking out upon the Terrans as the rest of his honorguard stepped out behind him.
"Hail and Salutations, Commander." Father Joe's voice almost boomed in the docking bay. All around the black clad Repentors stood at attention, not one moving save for the Chaplain's squad.
"It is an honor and good omen that we finally meet without conflict." Father Joe said as he approached his guests. "I am known as Father Joe, Chaplain of the Repentors.
The Shas'O's voice came out, broadcast by his suit's speaker systems.
"Greetings Chaplain" He said with all severity, moving forward to meet him. The rest of his retainers hung back,though the old Shaper followed briskly at a pace behind the Shas'O.
He reached up,and there was a faint click, a small puff of air and the suit helmet slid off,handed to another Kroot without looking,the beak-faced xenos slipping it under one arm.
"I can say the same Gue'La, it is a pleasure to finally be face to face, without an intervening crossfire in the way. I must admit I am saddened that their is a lack of Commanders on either side willing to do such a thing. "He chuckled, his eyes dancing. It seemed the Tau Commander was enjoying this, though his words skirted heresy for his own people.
His eyes flicked to the Terminators ringing the bay,but didn't seem bothered by it.
"Of course, caution is always wise Gue'La, which is why the two of us must be surrounded by all this weaponry" Was that a hidden smile? He gestured across the room, at the imperials looking blank in their armor, the Kroot twining across each other, moving like a pack of hunting dogs,and the two other battlesuits standing at attention, slightly angled to cover the maximum terminators they could. He could see the Terminators do the same, but didn't seem put off by it.
"Hmph. In a universe of war, many use the cloak of peace to strike." Father Joe's voice turning grim for a moment. "Which causes the many Commanders to not meet as we are now doing. Come, we shall stop flexing muscles and get to business. Follow, Commander."
In a slow turn about, Father Joe lead the visitors on a short trip through the cruiser Hellbent. They arrived at a secluded room.
The Chaplain turned to face Shas'O, "Leave your escorts here, and I shall leave mine." The door slid open to reveal a decently sized room, blank walls surrounding a large table. Two chairs sat at each end.
"In here, we shall talk in private. Eye to eye as equals."
Brawnden took his place next to the door, his eyes continually checking the Kroot faces. His Ultramarines insignia was all but gone from his many self-inflicted scratches, but his old hatred of the Tyranid was still there.
"I must tell you first off, Commander, that I will never attack you without being attacked first. No power except for your own actions will force my hand. Would you do the same unto me?"
(Yeah, I know Kroot are more bird than bug, but to him, they share similiar curves)
The Shas'O and his retinue followed the Chaplain, battesuits eerily quiet compared to the terminators clanking power armor, the onyl true noise the loud thuds of thier feet and the occasional whir or beep of machinery. The Kroot followed some even dipping forward to lope on either side of them on three limbs,the fourth carrying their antique Guns.
He tilted his head,listening to Father Joe's words.
"That is acceptable to me Gue'La" He said without a moment's pause.
The elder Shaper gave a low growl at this, his head spines clacking.
"I do not like this Brother, I do not trust these Gue'La." He said,that beaked face showing the alien approximation of disapproval that Brawnden wore.
"I understand your concern,but I am in Command,and we will be polite in the interest of peace. There should be no distrust between us" He said,turning to speak to Father Joe, stepping through the door without hesitation, glancing over a shoulder to see if he followed.
The elderly Kroot shaper muttered, a string of xenos curses no doubt,and shifted,moving into position to the other side of the door, glaring at Brawnden as if he was a green-skin.
(it's fine,since the Kroot under him have been fighting Nids and Orks anyway,they would have one or two traits the Shaper had used to improve his kindred anyway
Forgive if my posts sucks,I have a splitting migraine all of a sudden, and it's affecting my quality)
(Quite alright, its gives our sub-C.O.s something to do.)
The door slid silently back into position-
(Mwahaha! Now yer trapped! j/k)
-as its intended occupants took seats around the table.
A click and a hiss later, Father Joe's face came into view. He placed his helm and badge on the table.
"I am willing to hear your tales of the Greater Good first, but should you wish to hear my side, I can easily start."
(Yikes, reality calls at the worst times.)
(I must warn you,the Shape has a much...narrower.... view of the universe:p)
The Commander,already helmet-less, merely inclined his head, nodding majestically as his Imperial counterpart removed his own helm.
(Oh noes shooty shooty shooty:p)
"Please Father Joe, I believe as creatures of logic we can both put aside the propaganda of both our peoples." He said after a moment, his eyes watching the Chaplain for a sign of surprise with a trace of amusement on his flat, grey face.
What the Tau had said was close to heresy with his own people.
"I believe in the Greater Good, of that you can be assured." He said after a pause, leaning forward across the table.
"But my superiors are close minded to you Gue'La, while your own people attack us mercilessly in the name of your God-Emperor. You must understand the Greater Good does not interfere with belief, it merely seeks to give us a place in this universe, where all who work can be treasured."
He looked at the human slowly.
"I believe Gue-Humans, have a place in the Greater Good,while others of my kind do not. You are capable of understanding that our people have much to offer each other." He goes silent after a moment.
If another Tau had said this, he would most likely have been shot by his own men,for this treaded the line of heresy against the Ethereals. Perhaps it was merely that the Shas'O had not been in contact with the leader caste for a longer amount of time than most, whatever the reason,he sounded sincere.
"Yes, I do understand. With your technology combined with ours, we could conquer the galaxy. But why try to conquer the burnt and desolite ruins of war torn worlds?"
Father Joe spoke with wisdom.
"The Imperium will shoot anything thats different. You had the misfortune of meeting the Human race after they had experianced such terrible wars with other xenos. Betrayals and deciet caused this war between our species. Thank the gods that we are able to see through that now."
"I shall be truthful with you. I am tired. Tired of these wars, so much sacrifice for nothing. So much potential wasted."
The Chaplain leaned back in his chair, his eyes staring off to the ceiling as if his memories where being played out above his guest.
The Tau sighed, and for a moment his storm-grey eyes reflected the Chaplain's own.
"I too have seen too many things wasted, Worlds wasted and shriveled. My Command was one fighting the Tyranids, the Green-skins. I have seen my men consumed by a terrible alien that does not follow Any Good,just it's own hunger. I have seen A Green-skin tear one of my Brother's limb from limb, laughing as my fellows shot him. These are things that cannot reason,that enjoy such senseless waste." He looked down,somber as he leaned forward again.
"But you, your people show logic, courage and responsibility, you build cities and collect history, you wage war to prevent harm rather than to just cause it. I don't wish to conquer, I wish to co-exist. Many of the Ethereal cast do not wish us to get along Gue'La, but I follow the Greater Good in my own way."There it was, pure heresy, Imperial studies had found that the Ethereals wielded phenomenal control over their fellow Tau, though aberrations had been found lately. And here it seemed, was one of said heretical Tau, an eccentric that had decided Humans could be brought to alliance.
He went silent, as if realizing he had perhaps said too much, but he leaned back,regarding the Chaplain calmly.
"You and I share the same ship, now. We are both heretics of our kind for our beliefs. But, in this divergance, will be a great future. I agree with you on the Tyranids and Green-skins. They no not of peace nor truth. They merely seek to destroy. Other races, one of pure metal and one of the night, also do not wish for unity."
Father Joe spoke as few of his kind ever did to non-humans. He talked as if he sat with an old and dear friend.
"There is, however, one in-laid with mystery. Creatures of ancient times and deeper secrets. Though they have fought with the Humans for eternity, there may yet be a chance in them. And then there are those who turned to the Chaos Gods. These souls, one human, have the slightest chances of peace. I say slightest for there are those on this ship who have turned away from the evil as well."
Meanwhile, outside the room, the Shaper and the Terminator stand vigilant on both sides of the door. Though their eyes are straight and mouths closed, one cannot help but feel the hostility in between the pair. They have yet to even look at each other after their commanders entered the room, yet to exchange looks or motions, but the hatred both harbor for the other is visible.
(Heh, sounds like a buddy-cop begining. Anyways, I will archive the top section into a more readable form at some point later today and send you a copy.)
Ko'Vash nodded, and smiled suddenly, the four fingered hand of his battlesuit resting palm-down on the table surface.
"To our future together then Father Joe, may at least these small representations of our races prove successful yes?" The smaller xenos leaned back in his arm, regarding the Chaplain with a warm, calculating look.
"Perhaps we will be successful enough to change the mind of others, if I may be so bold as to hope." He spoke softly, after absorbing the fact that there were more races like the Tyranid. By all accounts the Imperium controlled territory hundreds,thousands of times the size of Tau space, it was not inconceivable that there were more horrors, lurking in the dark.
Mal'Talnak stood ramrod straight,his tall,gangly form maddeningly shorter than the Terminator. It shouldn't bother him but the height advantage managed somehow to annoy the elder Shaper.
He didn't understand his Shas'O, but they were brothers, Kindred. He would follow his decision(not that he'd dig his heels in the whole way!). Damn these Gue'La, Ko'Vash may think they were merely misguided, Ha! That was like saying a Green-skin fought for Honor.
The shaper refused to even glance at the Human, staring in front of him sourly, though not a single person would have dared walk between the two sub commanders, so charged was the air. The Shaper snapped his beak once with a short clack, hair-spines clattering like a bundle of spears.
He controlled his aggression though, his brother of the Tau had saved his life many times, had proved right even more times. Perhaps.....
He dared to glance out of one eye at the human, and tightened his grip on his rifle.
His Tau Brother has been wrong in the past after all. If something went wrong, the Shaper would Devour the Terrans, not that their was much worth passing on to his Kindred!
(ah and here I was about to d the same, get outta my head razz )
(Great minds think alike.)
Father Joe smiled warmly, "Indeed, we two are at success." A slight chuckle "For now at least."
The Chaplain sighed deeply as his memory continued its rerun through his mind.
"But there still lie too many 'if onlys' in this path. I, as an example, will not be able to persuade the Imperium without having to battle their forces again. The same goes with any force in this universe. Even you will not be able to sway your leader into this, for it is not yet a solid bridge nor a complete one."
He raised a fist up, looking his friend in the eye "But we shall try."
(Yes, and we two are so great the very universe shall tremble before our thoughtsXD)
Ko'Vash grinned slowly, and lifted his fist as well,place it so that it was at a level with the Chaplain's, though if the Tau had been out of a battlesuit the four-fingered digit would not have reached the same height.
"Ah there is always difficulties Gue'La, we shall overcome them, or we shall not. Unlucky for the universe that we will not lose, yes?" He grinned again, returning the look his...friend..that was it, his friend, eye to eye, no armor or weapons systems blurring their faces.