Welllll only 2 people did that thing in my last entry - the person who sent it to me, and a stranger. Yay. ;p
Right now I'm waiting for my french tips to dry. Mom did them for meee.. but now I hafta wait for them to dry and do the topcoats before I can sleep...
This week was slow and useless, but is almost over. I'm having a hard time typing sentences, so it's bullet time
Good things:
- Almost Spring Break! - Got to hang out with friend Mon, Tues, and Wed! - Got my portfolio for Clarke planned - Got a date for the meeting scheduled - Got a 4.0 last tri, and an A on my Econ test - Watched "The Scarlet Pimpernel" in French (Only 9 people in that class.. but we're all quoting it. "Sink mee...." - Watched Friends with Mom. Yay. - Alex comes home soon! - Co-ed sleepover at Bea's? xD
- Chyna leaves on Monday. She was sure she'd be able to spend another few weeks, but they want her back... I'ma miss herr ;-; - Art hw now includes: 12 concentration pieces, 2 sketches, 2 worksheets, and a 2 page report. Whee. - House is a mess. - Need scholarships - I can't even think of anything else bad right now. Stupid optimism. I was trying to be miserable! mad
Anyway, I'ma go to bed in a few minutes ;p Night
KerrieBerrie · Fri Mar 18, 2005 @ 03:53am · 0 Comments |