Well, for a Sunday, today was, of course, boring. I finally finished D.N. Angel. I loved the ending! Happy and sad, so it was a good ending. Next, I think I'm gonna watch Chrono Crusade. Unless anyone has any better suggestions? I hope there's a second season to D.N. Angel though. I heard that the author was writing another manga, though I don't know if they meant a different manga, or a sequel to this one.
Hmm...there's a bug on the wall. rofl
I couldn't decide what language to take in high school. It was a tie between Spanish and Latin because I know the basaics for Spanish, but Latin would be a more interesting and helpful language. However, I had already started Spanish, so I wouldn't want that to be for nothing. But in the end, I chose Latin. ^_^
Doo dee doo dee dum...I'm having salmon and rice for dinner...yay me! ^_^
