1) Are you in a complicated relationship? uh yuh o.x no maybe o.x
2) Do you hate more than 3 people? HAte is a very strong word =/ but no =]
4) How many houses have you lived in? houses- 2 apartments-2
5) Favorite candy bar? Milky Way =]
6) Have you ever tripped someone? HAHA yuh xD
7) Least favorite school subject? Gym cause I jsut dont like it D<
cool How many pairs of shoes do you own? 2 or 3 =/
9) Do you own a Britney Spears CD? nope =D
10) Have you ever thrown up in public? Yeeeah when i was little xP
11) Name one thing that is always on your mind: Travel
12) Favorite genre of music Uh o.x I like too much of everything
13) Whats your zodiac sign? Leo
14)What time were you born? I don't remember D=
15) Do you like beer? EW EW EW NO D<
16) Have you made a prank phone call? no lol
17) What is the most embarassing CD you own? um idk =/ I'm not too embarassed about my CD collection lol
1 cool Are you sarcastic? At times =]
19) What are your favorite color(s)? Black, White, Green, Blue....colors.... ._.
20) How many watches do you own? none xD
21) Summer or winter? Winter <3333
22) Is anyone in love with you? Maybe...
23) Favorite color to wear? Black xD HEY It goes with everything =D xD
24) Pepsi or Sprite? Sprite
26) Where is your second home? The Darkroom at school x3
27) Have you ever slapped someone? Playfully =] lol
29) How many lamps are in your bedroom 2
30) How many video games do you own? Uh A LOT o.x
32) Ever had braces? nopes =D
34) Do you use chapstick? no probably should though lol
35) Name 3 teachers from high school: berniiiish, endi, and EVIL MOZE D<
36) American Eagle or Abercrombie? neither o.x
37) Are you too forgiving? Yes Dx
3 cool How many children do you want? none o.o
39) Do you own something from Hot Topic? Quite a few things o.o
40) Favorite breakfast meal? Cinnamin Rolls =9
41) Favorite food? POCKY =DDDDDDD
42) Ever thought you were in love? Yes, still do o.x
43) When was the last time you cried? Last night
44) What did you do last night? Um Sat at the computer Watched Titanic Watched Pocahontas Slept o.o
45) Olive Garden? nu >>
46) Have you ever called your teacher mommy? no =] But i called My 6th grade teacher Sasuke once xD
47) Have you ever been in a castle? nuuu o3o
4 cool Nicknames? Staa'cy, Puff, Idiot, Hey You....a few more lol
50) Ever been to Kentucky? nu =O
52) Are you thinking about somebody right now? Yeah >>
53) Ever called somebody Boo? No o.o
54) Do you smoke? nope and i dont ever plan on it D< BISH! =3
55) Do you own a diamond ring? no xD
56) Are you happy with your life right now? not really o.x
5 cool Does anyone have a crush on you? I belive so maybe =S
60) What were you doing in May of 1994? I was 2 I was beating up my newborn brother =D
61) Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD? Nope =D
63) Do you like yourself? no not really we fight a lot =]
64) Are you closer to your mother or father? mother
65) Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex? Hair, Eyes, Smile =]
66) Are you afraid of the dark? HELL YES o.o
67) Have you ever eaten paste? ew no o.o
6 cool Do you own a webcam? nu D=
69) Have you ever stripped? nu o.x
70) Ever broke a bone? Yes my middle finger o.o lol
71) Are you religious? not really =S
72) Do you chat on AIM often? nu =/
73) Pringles or Lays? depends =o
74) Have you ever broken someones heart? i think so =S D=
75) Full house or brady bunch? BOTH AT THE SAME TIME OH!
no i really dont care i dont watch either xD
77) Did you like your high school guidance counselor? uh i dont know o.o i never see the dood
or woman
7 cool Has anyone ever called you a tease? nope but someones called me a toast =D
79) Do you have any pets? 2 dogs =]
80) Do you own a car? No xP
81) Can you cook? Not well BUt yes =D
82) Three things that annoy you? 1. people who cause drama 2. people who lie to your face 3. being sick >>
84) Money or love? Love =]
85) Do you have any scars? yes one from everything important =D
one from my friends One from food and one from the tree in ym backyard =D
86) What do you want more than anything right now? to get better D< I'm feelign sick D< ;~;
87) Do you enjoy scary movies? NO o.o
8 cool Relationships or one night stands? relationships =]
89) Big red or Juicy fruit? Juicy Fruit YAY FRUIT =D
90) Do you enjoy greasy food? not very greasy o.x
91) Have you seen all the Rocky movies? no lol
92) Do you own a box of crayons? YES =D
93) Ever had sex in a public place? uh no o.o
94) Who was the last person you said i love you to? Kyle
95) Who was the last person that made you mad? my dad >>
96) Who was the last person that made you cry? id rather not say
97) Who was the last person that made you laugh? My Brother
9 cool Who was the last person you hugged? My dad >>
99) Who was the last person that called you? Jason
Would you rather...
[] Ask someone out. [x] Be asked out. [] Dont care.
[x] Have a sunny day. [] Have a rainy day.
[] Be blind. [x] Be deaf.
[x] Have it be Winter all year round. [] Have it be Summer all year round.
[] Be beautiful. [x] Be loved.
[x] Take a bath. [ ]Take a shower.
[x] Be born poor and die rich. [] Be born rich and die poor.
[x] Never have to go to school. [x] Never have to go to the dentist. [ Never have to do this survey again [x] Never feel physical pain. [x] Never feel emotional pain.
[] Wear contacts [] Wear braces. o.x
You are
[] Short. 5'0 & Shorter. [] 5'1 - 5'3. [x] between 5'3'' and 5'4''. [] 5'4-5'6. [] 5'7 - 5'9. [] 5'10 - 6'1. [] Tall. 6'2 & Taller.
Naturally [] Blonde. [] Strawberry Blonde. [] Redhead. [] Auburn. [] Brunette. [] Dirty Blonde. [] Light Brown. [x] Dark Brown. [] Black. [] Don't Remember.
[] Blue-Eyed. [] Brown-Eyed. [] Green eyed. [x] Hazel Eyed. [] Grey-Eyed. [] Blue/green/grey-Eyed. [] Silver/Grey-Eyed. [] Brown/Green-Eyed. [] Blue/Grey-Eyed. [x] Change Colors all depends on the day
You Have/Had
[x]Glasses. [] Contacts. [] Braces.
Hair Length
[]Short. [] Medium. [x]Long Hair. []Bald.
Your Confessions
[x] I am really ticklish [x] I watch the news. (only when im bored) [x] I love Disney movies. [x] I don't like killing bugs. [x] I'm a pretty good cook. [x] I have worn pajamas to class. [] I like Martha Stewart. [] Ozzy is my hero. [] I love church. [x] I always do my homework [x] I still have my pokemon cards but gave them to my brother (OHHHHH! >D) [] I like sneezing.
[LifeOnTheMurderScene] · Sun Mar 18, 2007 @ 05:11pm · 2 Comments |