ummm...I had the weirdest dream a couple nights ago.... anywase I was part of the miami CSI peoplez... seriously thats the only thing ive watched recently thats in this dream... anywase yeah I guess I was supposed to be finding some people and I was sitting on the edge of a dock... scetching something in a book and I over hear the people im supposed to be after and they're swimming away from a yaght and in the water they start discussing they're plan to frame steven speilburg for the perfect murder and they're coming straight for me yet they havent noticed me yet... so I lie down on the edge of the dock and I guess there were some piant cans and apperantly I can instictively tell what color is red at like 5 in the morning and anywase I rip a little hole in the back of my coat, switch my cell phone on in my pocket (also wierd as I don't own one) and pour the paint all over my back I guess so it would look like id been shot... and then they get up on the dock and dont notice me for a whle and they're still discussing this plan... then one of them sees me, screams, then I guess the leader shuts him up and they run off the dock, then I sit up call Horratcio and all the evidence to convict these guys and save Steven Speilburg is on my message machine at home...then I wake up sweatdrop whee