Can You See?
Can you see the dark that cannot be seen?
Do you hear the sound of our racing hearts?
The girl who played with the nothing
The girl who knew all that was never
The girl who dreamed without Sleeping
She saw what never was
She knew what never happened
When she looked at the roses
She saw more than just roses
She saw life, love, peace
and death for when she picked them
She looked at the sky and saw sadness
pain and sorrow that pressed her heart
every day she had to swallow her sadness and
see life...She looked at the moon and saw the light of her mirror
She looked at the fields and saw people that walked the planes years before she was alive
She looked at me...
and told me i was beautiful to that someone who is coming
She told me i held joy she saw in the flowers
She told me even is someone could not see me
i could make them smile
i never saw her again
i tried and tried
but never could
i never could see things like she did...
the sadness and joy in all things... But i never could.
The girl
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Twilight's sarow, pain, love, life...

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![]() Holidayrocks Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
i just so love that pome
wow, i am so inspired
i love it heart heart heart
See you later Twilight-Chan
Sakura-Chan heart