Ok it goes like this. Kelloggs (yes the cereal) has been signed over or perhaps it was taken over, I'm not sure but the marshmallows have been banned and are no longer allowed in the cereal and the breakfast cereal's Icon/characters have been forced to sign over and join the Company and any who don't, are arrested.
And so is the start of the Resistance! a group of cereal Icons who wouldn't sign over and are now wanted criminals for trying to bootleg marshmallows all over the world to sugar needy kids (apparently sugar is hard to come by in my dream).
The leader of this Resistance is non other then Lucky, the leprechaun cereal Icon from "Lucky Charms" whee But when Lucky is found missing and assumed arrested or even dead, one of the three cereal Icon brothers from the "Rice Krispies" takes up the responsibility as leader of the Resistance.
In honour of their fallen leader, as well as doubling as an alias, Pop changes his name to Lucky. Unfortunately inner strife occurs among the cereal brothers as the oldest brother, Snap, signs with the Company and is now an enemy to his younger brothers Pop and Crackle as Snap seeks to uncover the Resistance AND the secret behind the mysterious blue clover Lucky Charm marshmallow.

I drew this when I woke up while the dream was still fresh in my mind, it's what the Rice Krispies brothers looked like in my dream sweatdrop maybe I should eat less sugar before I go to bed eh?
mmmm.....think maybe it's make a cool RPG?? whee sweatdrop
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