Stupid portals....
"Dragon!" Xangord said, spinning around as I stormed in. "I thought I--"
"I'm the captian so my orders override yours," I replied, sweeping the room with my eyes. Quickly spotting the stranger in the corner, I said, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing on my ship?"
"Dragon, this is my friend Se'rox," Xangord said, slipping by me and standing in front of the stranger. "She's a good friend from before."
"One of your friends from the Organization?" I asked sarcastically. Spotting the lance that Xink was holding, I snatched it away from him and held it up so Xangord could see it better. "Correct me if my hunch is wrong, but doesn't <i>this</i> belong to one of your Org buddies?"
"Yes, but--"
"So it's safe to guess that your buddies from <i>before</i> are trying to kill you!"
"That's only because Se'rox, Zuchax, Riku, and myself were trying to kill them first," Xangord shot back.
"Oh! So now instead of worrying about what the fairies will do when they realize that Rose jumped bail on them--yes Rose, I will be talking to you about this in a minute--but now I've got to worry about your Organization buddies coming after you and being able to teleport in!"
"Can't you set up a block?" Nogard asked.
"Nerissa," I said while glaring at Se'rox around Xangord's thigh, "answer that please."
"I cannot prevent portals from being opened on me from those who were in, or are the offspring of the members from, Organization XIII. Think of the portals as the common cold for humans. The cold has a shifting antibody that prevents them from ever fully curing it. Even though flu vaccines are given, this is a yearly process because the vaccine from the year before cannot prevent humans from catching the new cold virus. The portals are just like this. I may be able to stop just one version of the portals but then the atomic make up of the portal will shift and there by allowing the passage to open."
"....Huh?" Nogard asked.
"In your terms," Nerissa said, her bodiless voice coming from the overhead speakers, "which is worse than Layman terms, is I cannot stop them from happening because they're always changing."
"I'm a giant computer. What did you expect?"
Pushing Xangord aside, I looked up at Se'rox, "So the question is what to do with you? I can't order you off my ship or put you in the brig because you'll create another of those blasted portals."
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