part 4 uchias vs the akastuke
she smiles at sasuke as he
prepares to attack, but then notices
Kaisame is distracted, and charges
at him
me:kisame heads up -he said as he did a back flip over sasuke as he about hit me but sasuke keeps going and cuts the tree they are standing on-
me:wow close one
she looks at sasuke and whispers-
"Man, he sure hogs the spotlight..."
she said as she jumped up and
tackled Kisame's young apprentice aka me,
bites his arm, rips the flesh, and
shoves him onto the ground-
me:ahhhhhhh dang kisame take on sasuke i got rusuke
i kick my self up and start to throw punches and kicks-
she holds her arms out in
front of her and blocks
the puches and kicks,
then claws the apprentice
in the gut and punches his
he poofs and ten of him surond you
me:witch one is reall come on hury up
2 clones fly in and punch you and jumps out
me:come on chose
she looks around in confusion
as the aroura fades,
now a white light surrounding
me:hu new aroura hu
five clones jump in and hit you and jump out
she hits the ground and
skids through the grass-
the white light fades
as she becomes normal
once again-
she pulls out a Kunai and
jumps at one of the clones-
rusuke:"Not this one..."
she jumps from another to
another until she came to
the last one-
rusuke"He he..."
i hit her in the gut with rashingon
-Lands on the ground and
blinks, noticing some blood
coming from the side of her mouth-
a clone of herself grabs
me from behind and holds
a Kunai to my throat-
he looks up and then down
me:you should help sasuke
ahe looks at Sasuke
and notices him lying
on the ground, bleeding-
rusuke:"Oh god..."
but she remembers me,
and takes the Kunai and slits his
throat, kicks him to the ground,
and runs to help Sasuke-
-my body drops to the ground blood pooring out the throat-
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