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Suzie L.: Suzie and I have known each other since the babbie33 days... h3h3... We always get into arguments but sumhow we are still besstie friends. Suzie lives right across the street from skool, (which I think is very convienent). She is a total animal lover like most of my other friends and me. We share many secrets together and we always laugh out buttzz together... haha... I don't know why but Suzie's house always has a funky smell to it... lol... She will start yelling at me when she reads this... Anyways, she has a G-Online account: mimiurbutt
Michelle L.: Michelle is a very hyper and funny friend who will always help u (on hwk) lol... jk she will help u on w/e u want...haha...rite Michelle? Anyways, Michelle and I have been friends since 5th grade and we always laugh out buttzzz off because she is so funny and she is the one who makes up these hilaoriiouuus jokes (about suzieee hahahaha) jk jk. Michelle write these comics about me getting killed by joyce or w/e and they makes me sooo saddiee.. jk its really funny... hahaha... Hmm... Michelle cant diecide on which type of fishing rod to buy so if u have any advice, tell him on her G-Online account: 2-smart-4u. I will write more later cuz I'm tired rite now... *yawnnn*
Cindy H.: Cindy is a really great and awesome friend who is always there for u and u can always talk to her about ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We met in 6th grade and we started out as enimies not liking each other but now were great friends. Cindy seems to have money with her all the time and she'll treat u to food and drinks. YAY! She is left handed, which is really kool to me cuz i always wanted to be left handed. She has a myspace www.myspace.com/x112112x and she has AIM too. Her user is fruityruby94.... i think... She cried at the dance becuz of this guy.... so sad.... Anyways, to make this short and simple Cindy is an awesome person inside and out and if u earn her friendship, u wont regret it. BTW, she has a G-Onlne account: x112112x
Lynette M.: Lynette and I didn't become friends until this year... She is the nerrddiie gurl with the straight A's... haha... She recently got a haircut.. now my hair is longer than hers.. lol... She is teachers pet for History... i think... I usually always copy my notes from her but now she feels like she's being used so she doesn't let me copy anymore... wahhh.... Anyways... Lynette always goes to the library.. (like me) and she has a southern accent when she talks... h3h3... She has very nice handwriting and I've been trying to copy it.. (but I can't)... Well, Lynette has a G-Online account: Pure Happiness
Yannie H.: Yannie is the one who looks almost like my twiiniee... h3h3... She is in 8th grade and she is very smart. She always huggies me... and we share many laughs together. She has a myspace but I forgot the URL. Yannie keeps on saying I like this guy who I don't like... its getting irritating... grr.. Anyways, we chat alot on AIM but she is kinda annoying.. lol... I bought choclate from her and she's soo haappiezz now.. YEEPPIE! We almost never get into fights because we're such gooddie friends.. YAY! Yannie has a AIM account gylfiee and she has a G-Online Account: Gylfiee
Daphne C.: Daphne and I are awesome friends... We go to the library together and we always make fun of her cousin; Eugene together... h3h3... She is in 8th grade and she is really smart (like most of my friends are). She is usually always laughing and listening ot her MP3.. (like me). We have alot of similarities and that is one of the reasons we are bessttiee frienddies... She and I take about all kinds of things.. private and unprivate... She; like Yannie; does not have a G-Online account... grr...
Lily Y.: Lily and I go way back... We got into a stuppiidd fight last year because she was hanging out with a girl I didn't like but we're over that now and we're great budds... We talk about boys (like most gurls do) and we talk about teachers... the really mean and unfair ones... h3h3... Lily usually always has money with her so we go to 101 Bakery, Prontos, or CVS together... (and she treats me)... Lily has a brattie lil' brother named Leon who is so fat and ugliiee... h3h3... (not trying to be mean)... Lily has a myspace but no AIM or Gaia... wahhh... LILY GET 1!!!
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Lenne's Journal
This journal is going to be about Lenne, Yuna, Rikku and I'm probably gonna put Paine... but maybe not =]
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