Item List:
Black Tie
Bone Dragon Helm
Cloud Zebra Wrap
Elegant Black Lace Fan
Felicia's Gloves
Flame Sword
Gold Hoop Earrings
Golden Laurels
Grey Beret
Outlaw Biker Pants - Coal
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')
Solar Headdress
Steel Gunner Top
Were Feet
White Leather Belt
Estimated Total: 807,770 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 13 March 2007)
I have 804,800 Gold left. xDDD
Yes, I understand it's insanely expensive.
Yes, I understand it has a gigantic amount of donation items.
Yay! Donations are appreciated and loved. n_n