If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Angelic trend
I've been on a bit of an angelic theme lately not quite sure the reason, maybe because I have had the gold to spend on the outfit. Up until now, I've never had an interest. Then one day I saw the boots and decided it was time to get a pair, and have continued on from there. But it really bites that items like the bow and staff I held in the past, but because I never used them I got rid of them, and they now cost far more than I sold them for lol
I have had to get rid of a number of my previous collection to get this. But I have managed to keep my plushies and 2 of my favorites outfits and some odds and end stuff. But most of those are store items and easily repurchased...when I get the funds back that is redface