hmmm.. i don't think that was my joke though. i think my joke was more perverted. hmmmm..........
lalala the thinking song. oh well. man this post is short, wow it's so short, you can't even see it! muahahaha. (my evil laugh). omg a giraffe in my loft. it is so funny. lmao. sorry random outburst of something stupid i found on the web. i love the web. the internet is for corn yay! i think i shall now write something else, something else to this ohsoever short journal. what can i write though. their must be something. arg i have writers block. maybe i'll put a picture!

omg! it's the evil smily face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! evil evil. hold up cross to it.
i'm hyped up on suger right now. can u tell? i bet u can't. muahahahaha.

omg they have an army! *runs around like a c**k with it's head cut off* wow, that was so perverted it reminds me of my stupid lame joke. are you ready? *plays suspensful drums*
a cat falls into a river and a chicken laughs, what is the moral? are you sure you want to know? are you really sure? are you positive? well ok. the moral is...... *gets ubducted by aliens* "hey i didn't get to tell them my moral!!!!!"
<we don't care, we want your left shin bone>
<that is a secret, now give us it>
" i uh.... can't"
<why not?>
"i donated it!"
<aw man, that's what the other three humans said! i guess we have to let you go>
"not really, you can keep me and show me the ways of destroying everything!"
<um.. no>
*gets beamed back down*
"noooooooooooooooooooo! come back my alien bretherin!!!"
okay now where was i? oh yes, the moral! ..... what was the joke. oh yea. a cat falls into a river and a chicken laughs, what is the moral?
-a wet p***y makes a c**k happy!
wow! that was so lame, perverted, and funny. yay!
this journal is too short. i wish i couldv'e made it longer but oh, well.
Community Member
lol, you donated your left shin bone xd
don't forget to start talking about all the cocks you saw over the weekend at lunch when/if Screamer gets there! xd Don't do it at breakfast, I wanna be there to see the mortified look on her face!!! twisted xd rofl rofl