today was actually alot more stressful then i planned on it being but what ever i don't care any more....well i just got dumped whatever i don't care i probably did something to deserve it.... i could take up one of the other 4 offers i got today i guess
mes happy biggrin
screw it i'm not that happy any more i got dumped for the second time in the past two days what the hell am i doing wrong i never do any thing and i get dumped am i cursed or something stressed i'm not sad i'm just angry if any of my xs read this this is what i mean when i 'm fine you didn't hurt me just confused me and made me ticked to put it lightly
i'm good now biggrin 3nodding
hmmm i'm bored so yea whatever j is a crazy person
i just got back from florida and they have some of the worse trafic i've ever seen!!!as well as some of the dirtiest beaches... i went swimming in one and when i was showering after that i found this string thing that sorta looked like dental floss in my hair spent the next hour or so washing my hair xp xp

Item List:
Cat Tail
Chain Wallet
CoCo Kitty Plushie
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Crimson Red Pimpin' Skirt
Deluxe Cat Ears
Demonic Pendant
Fitted Red Top
Estimated Total: 992,680 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 02 March 2007)

Item List:
Black Goth Boots
Black Goth Skirt
Black Leather Strapped Manties
Black Web Bustier
Black Web Shirt
Chain Wallet
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Colonial Stockings
Dark Halo
Demonic Pendant
Demonic Pitchfork
Devil Tail
Estimated Total: 12,618,187 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 03 March 2007)
Community Member