yesterday..but i got grounded so it couldn't happen. |
DUDE i played this prank on my teacher. he's awesome and doesn't mind, and he's got awesome facial expressions. ...stabs tim for his awesome word.... yea but back to the prnak we were workin on our macbeth essays and i have an attention span of negative 20 so i smuck under his desk with yarn and my nail file since i couldn't find SCISSORS! but he's got his desk and then it makes a 90 degree angle with his table, and my freind was sitting at his desk so he could kind of cover me if the teacher came over, but i was just sitting there under the table tying his rolly chair to his desk, and then all of a sudden he walks over and is standing right next to me to talk to my friend, so i'm sitting there like 0.0 i'm going to die, and i'm freaking out, and my friends can do nothing but watch me, so they're just like 0.0 poor *****'s she's gotta be freaking out, and i'm just like breathe in and out, so after like 5 minutes i'm shaking for some odd reason so i needed out, i crawled out on the other side, and then popped up and said hi to marianna, then said hey, and dropped down to the floor and stood back up and mr.p was like ...0.0 Were you just on some sort of op mission ...under the table...i just said..WHY would i be under the table, i just dropped something on the floor. rolls eyes, adn then i walked away turned red,a nd then i couldn;'t stop laughing then i realised that the yarn..AND my nail file were still under there, so i had to wait and then get it and tie a couple more, then get out, and sit in my chair like a little angel. it was hilarious when he found it though, he tried to pull away..it didn't work..he tried to pull away harder..didn't work, and then he pulled away HARDER and it still didn't work then he looked down, and though of me twisted under the table and when i saw him he said cute and laughed. i am awesome ^^...i just realised i wasn't even holding a pencil... and now for the 2nd half of my day.... when i got home about 4 cuz i stayed after, my friend kenny decided to pop in randomly, he like..stalks me..it's kinda scary. he's also asked me out about 5 times. but i got grounded because he was over, and my parents didn';t know and i didn't have permission. *rolls eyes AGAIN* but that's not the good part, he used to live next door to me, and my next door neightbor, she;s a bit odd, but kenny stood out on the sidewalk and looked at the house for like a minute because he used to live there, and then he came over, but kathy got freaked out bny him so she called the cops and said "theres a shady looking black guy standing outside looking at our house.." yyyeeaahh she sounds kinda racist there, but ray( rays mom IS kathy) says she's not *shrugs* but i thought that was hilarious, cuz kenny got the cops called onhim xd .
Kaelyn-Fay · Fri Mar 04, 2005 @ 12:41am · 0 Comments |