Race:Vampragon Elemental(ist)
Age: Unknown, appears 25.
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance:Picture to the right is Alidai, Cail is his other side. He also has his Dragon Form
Armor:A chest plate, much like the Damascus Armor covers his upper chest and torso. A pair of Bracers that protect his forearm to his wrists. His gloves have a metal backing across the top of his hand and the knuckles. This is when Cail takes over.
Alidai- Alidai is a very upbeat, flirtatious, happy go lucky sort of person. He is usually always smiling and hardly ever completely serious about something. He is very calm and analytical in most situations, hard to lose his temper or cool.
Dislikes: Overbearing/Extremely arrogant people, Blatant stupidity, lack of common sense
Likes: Friends, Helping others, learning new things
Weaknesses: Tends to see more of the good and less of the bad in people, can be somewhat annoying
Strengths: Calm and collected in just about any situation, he doesn’t charge into a situation simply on blind instinct or overconfidence. Since he doesn’t seem to get stressed out he is very easy to talk to is quick on his feet and mind. Quite stubborn.
Cail- Often seems to come off too strong and scares people away easily. He is a very silent, stoic sort of being who doesn’t talk much to anyone other than those he
deems worthy: Likely through battle or the actions and deeds a person does who he deems worthy, or even through quests and long exposures to certain people. More of a loner type, he tends to keep to himself and offer help or advice where he can, with or without the asking of anyone or thing.
Dislikes: Weaklings, Most Humans, Stupidity, Excuses
Likes: Fighting, Death, Destruction, Booze (Stronger the better), Battle, Bloodshed, what allies he manages to obtain.
Weaknesses: Not too many friends to call upon for help, can be arrogant. Affinity to silver.
Strengths: Strong willed, cunning, emotionless. Also is calm and not rash in his actions.
History: Twas a star filled night within the country. The moon shone down like upon the forest and the river than ran silently through the forest like a ghost from above, its ethereal glow
Powers/Abilities:Very Strong and Fast due to the innate speed/strength of the Kindred/Vampire, Enhance vision and Smell from the Draconic side and strength.
Weapons:Flash/Fragmentation/Incendiary Grenades
Note: Swords/Blades made from Cortosis Weaved Adamantium, for strength against all physical attacks and energy attacks.
->Alidai:Sword, Bo Staff,
Jackal, Cassul
->Cail: When this side takes over: Sword in picture,Knife, Katana, throwing knives: both metal and created from elements and a Magnum
Elementalist/Elemental Manipulator:He is able to control the Natural Elements around him, and even in need able to create and use those elements which he controls, and even the elements that could be considered sub-elements or forms of the original element. Is also able to use Light/Shadow to make himself invisible by either bending refracted/reflected light or concealing himself within shadows. And also make clones of himself.
Ki- By mastering the energy of the body, he is able to use and harness it for certain “energy” attacks and even use it to create barriers.
Main: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Darkness
Sub: Wind, Lava/Magma, Ice/Snow, Sand/Mud, Shadow, Lightning
Misc: Ki, Metal, Lightning
Chakra: Is able to use some ninjutsu and illusionary magics.
Kamisori no Kerimasu: A technique meaning Razor Kick, involving the user kicking at a high rate of speed in a horizontal or vertical motion. Once done it sends out a large, straight "air blade" that can act as a real blade of a sword. If it comes into contact of an opponent it will place a deep wound into the place hit and if hit in a certain point could cut right through them. The "air blade" can be visible as a bright light blue coloring
Dark Magic/Summonings
Celerity: Vampiric speed that at times, makes it nearly impossible for anything to see the Kindred using/activating it. Used to close long distances within a matter of seconds, sneak up on prey or even deliver devastating attacks.
Animalism: Allows the kindred to communicate with and manipulate nearby animals and even spirits of animals.
Spectral Wolf: Calling upon the spirits, he can summon up to 3 Wolves from the spectral plain, that are able to interact with and manipulate matter.
Blood Suckers Communion: Calling upon the spirits he can summon a flock of ghostly bats to his aid. These bats attack the target, by flying through/into the body of the opponent, draining blood and health. When sated they return and deliver it to him.
Blood Buff: Ability of the Kindred to raise his/her strength/stamina etc..for a short period of time.
Obfuscate: the power to make ones physical self disappear, whether it be in dark shadows or bright light.
Potence: the ability to increase his strength to supernatural levels, above that which is granted to the undead.
Necromancy/Blood Magic:Able to use his own blood, or any blood spilled about the area to attack, defend or even create weapons from. Can animate dead corpses as minions to use as he sees fit. And from this also comes another discipline.
Blood Boil: Using his own blood he can create either a red mist that will surround the target and sink into the target, or create a barrage of blood missiles that will enter the target body through any cuts of lacerations. Taking at least 2 turns to complete the target has 5 turns before it explodes from the blood being heated to unbearably high levels.
Dragon: Flight, Stamina, Strength Endurance, Resistance to magic, Able to cover his body in scales harder than steel, Turn hands into claws, Able to breathe fire unto enemies that are within close range, Transform into Dragon Form.
This is as far as I could take it as of right now.
Here are some recommendations that you can use to better it, but you have to do them, because with the way your character works, I don't understand it well enough to fill in the blanks for you.
-Fill in his history, its one random sentence right now, You made him, he came from somewhere.
-Separate the two sides better, maybe by explaining one fully, then the next instead of both in each category.
-This character isn't suited for most RP's right now, to ability heavy...consider working on personality and history.
-Consider scrapping it all together or purchasing an new one for non-arena RP's.
Sorry I could not fix it to my normal standards, but what you gave me limited me.
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"Casull" is the type of ammunition that Alucard's first handgun fires. It's technically a custom-built longslide automag, fully named "Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto".