Yes, that's right, I am now planning the ULTIMATE of all parties, a Fanbake! What is it, you ask? Well, that's what I wondered at first two, so I made up a definition to matche the awesome made-up word!
1. All guests must cosplay. Obviously, they must all be fans of something they can cosplay.
2. All guests must bring some sort of baked good in the shape of their favorite anime or manga or video game character. It can be a cake, it can be a plate of cookies, it can be a Link-shaped meatloaf. Just so long as you made it and it resembles a character.
3. We will burn effigies of the top three worst anime characters of all time, as decided by me and my co-conspirator, Penello. Who are these three worst, you ask? Chosen either because a) the show sucked or b) they have created a massive community of rabid otaku, they are Inuyasha, Naruto, and Goku.
While the Fanbake has yet to be scheduled, a guest-list is being formulated and other fun stuff planned. Oh! And we'll take pictures. Yes, lots of pictures of this momentous occasion in history.
![]() Jasmine Perishing Community Member ![]() |