All this week I have been doing finals and it's been pretty easy. Sometimes people would ask me for answers and I would just blow them off. But tomorrow I just have my Behavorial Health and Geometry Finals. I want to study but my dad keeps on making me talk to him and telling me I'm going to college as if I'm smart. I am not the smartest person some people know, but I sometimes want to go and sometimes I don't. He asks me what I'm gonna be doing after I turn 18 and I just don't know. I'll get a job and move out when I get enough money. But the Finals have me stressed out and I barely get 3 hours of sleep, yay! My mom was just flippin' out because I didn't put the things in the back to the front JUST PERFECTLY. She hits me like I'm a ragdoll if I don't meet her expectations and I have to redo everything. If they expect me to be happy, good luck with them. But I'm glad I'll be having a 3-day weekend and I'll catch up on my sleep. I'll try to write tomorrow. :]