Today just really sucked. WARNING: possible long wall of text ahead! ill put a summary or something at the bottom for you lazy people.
I came home yesterday from school/shopping (it was like 8:30 at night) and john (my moms husband. she got married to him after only knowing for 6 months. He is constantly bitching.) had after kicked the cat out doors (and probably beat it) because it jumped on the table stressed so we go inside and john starts ranting about how the cat HAS to leave. Mom tells me to call my grandmother to see if she will take it for a little while and I told her that if the cat goes, im going. I figured she would get the picture.
Today mom phones and wakes me up at 10 in the morning telling me to call nan to come get the cat. I tell her again that i would be leaving too and then she goes on this emo tirade about how it will only be for a few months until she can get the people that she rented our house too out. I phone my nan up and ask if the cat can stay wih her for a bit, she says they cant because she has two new puppies. Then I tell her that I was planning to go with my cat and she said she would go ask my pop, and that she would call me later. Mom phones almost 10 minuets after and said that she phoned my aunt and said that she would take the cat and me if I still wanted to go but I would have to pay $200 a month and basically become their house cleaner. Mom also said that we should try to make peace with john for 3 months until we can move (HELLL no!!) she also tells me to do the laundry and sweep the floor. rolleyes My nan phones me after and says that the cat can come with her and that we will decide what to do with me after. I tell her what mom said and she then tells me to hold on because her cellphone was ringing. I could tell it was my dad on the other line because when nan told him what mom told me nan said "Hell no is right!" She then gets back on the phone with me and tells me to pack my bags.
I had supper at nans and got my cat settled inand as i was going out to nans truck I stepped in dog s**t. Just put the topping on the friggin cake.
Long story short. Im now living at dads, my cat is staying at nans with my brother, and my mom is all emo because I left ( if she didnt want me to leave she should have gave me a damm reason to stay)
what will this mean?
1: ill be on the net more 2: Less emo semi suicidal thoughts (yeah, i thought about it) emo 3: I live near the college I go to so I can sleep in on some days!
Scarlethunder · Sun Jan 21, 2007 @ 12:34am · 1 Comments |