If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Things to do when bored....
twisted Ha ha if you are the first one to read this post guess what you just got a reading
First card: Child of crystals. yeah I can see it you have to be the adventurous type to have to want to read my journal. blaugh Naturally currious and energetic. You would probably prefere goofing around with friends and sneaking out of work.
nine of swords: Uh oh looks like you've gotten into a bit of a pickle recently. Feeling a little trapped with no safe place to turn huh. poor bugger. But trust me when I say things will look better by next week.
Yellow brick Road: yup. Looks like a little bit of sunshine is coming your way. Most roads have their pot holes, ruts, and construction...especially in the summer heheh. But once you get closer to your destination the way usually isn't so bad. Once the worst is over you can sit back and relax and wait until the next journey begins. Don't think of it as a challenge, think of it as a story you get to share and laugh about once things improve. biggrin