Today I met a mysterious woman who gave her name as Smokey Raye. I was out dressed as a civillian picking flowers when I met her. She carried a panda pack and I commented on it and we struck up a conversation. I could sense she was a very powerful warrior and I knew she would make a good ally and maybe a good friend. I did not reveal to her my true identity until after we had parted ways, through an official letter sent by a messenger in which I asked her to accompany me in the Dead Unit kingdom to which she agreed. Not knowing her that well and sensing something mysterious about her, I have ordered my men to keep a good eye on her. While I trust her it is better to be safe than sorry.
I still have yet to hear from Mr. Mishima. I offered him the highest position in my army and am eagerly awaiting his reply.
Lady Ling Xiaoyu Community Member |