Now, here comes the art in no particular order!

This is a gorgeous commission I ordered from the ever so talented Tira-darling! I was so lucky to capture a few of her slots! heart heart

This is another beautiful commission I feel lucky to have gotten. The artist goes by "Kei" and she's a real sweetheart. heart

This right here is a fantastic illustration of a hot standoff between my evil nemesis, evil shocktv3, and I commissioned from Infared_Fox! This truly captures the intensity between my nemesis and I. ;D

Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into now?! Here it seems that I've been captured by the evil Professor Kean Beanish and his partner in crime, Jacky boy. D:
I love that diabolical duo---I'm sadistic like that. heart

These two images (created by the ultimately talented ladies, Sokanan and Kiwi Sebastian) were actually given to me as a bribe to help out Kiwi gain some snazzy stuff. Little did they know that I donated not for the snazzy artwork but out of my love for Kiwehweh! SO HOT! WANT TO TOUCH THE HINEY! ;D heart :Heart: heart

These incredulously sexy drawings were done by the one, the only, The Crazed Canadian! ILUJENNEH! HAVE MY BABIES. heart

Teehee~ Here's a rather unique chibi by Stupidism. It really captures my dark side, I think! twisted

Here we have an AMAZING commission from Fuji-fox followed by the most adorable little kissy face by the same artist. I freaking love Fuji! Not only is she completely freaking rad---she's super talented and fun to talk to! I adore this woman!<3

This GORGEOUS Illustrated was done by Colorless_111. She's friggin amazing! <3333

These wonderful drawings were done by the ever-snazzy Cao! 4laugh

whee heart Hehehe these were drawn by Miss Tanpopo! Oh my! Poppy Tanpopolis sure knows how to make DANGEH smile!

This completely friggin awesome CG headshot is done by the ever-talented Black Briar just randomly at Statements. I LOVE HER. D: <3

The first is a depiction of Danjah with G-Hitler, a Gaia villian threatening the peace at the CB. I don't know who the artist is, but this image is hilarious! The second fullbody was drawn by Luz in the Draw the AAY thread--Danjah has a catfish for a hand! xD

Here we have a rather grand piece of art commissioned from DJ Fetusface followed by Perfect Tea. What a fantastic username, no? xD <3

Awww! Here's a pretty freebie I recieved from Hello Kamikaze....its so shiney! :B

Awww this adorable work was commissioned from Gai-Sempai. x3

From left to right, we start off with a drawing by my most delicious prostitute-sack, Kryzalis! ILU KRYZZLE! heart And then we have art from S0ra! Yay! As for the third and fourth drawings...I can't remember the artists so if you're reading this...TELL ME IF YOU DREW ONE OF THESE! gonk

And here we have a couple of drawrings by the one--the only---Primordial Nothing! Primmy baby is probably one of the most quirkiest guys I know. LOVE HIM. &:U

OOH! This piece was just randomly given to me by Pocky Monstar---she's super sweet and super shy! x3 Like a rare pokeon...only a pocky mon....xD I'm so corny! Anyway! I love how it looks reminiscent of the art for Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker! <3

Oooh! I don't know who the artists are...but these were gifts to me from Detective Mortalis! <3 He's such a sweetheart of a sleuth! I love the one in the style of Matt Groening.

Here, I've got three snaztastical artworks by Devyn-M, J, and Canadian Military! Thankies soooo much darlings! heart

xD Here's a couple of fun little photoshopped works from Eternally Devoted and Magus!

Whoo whoo! Firstly we have a very clueless Danjah drawing by Wonder Bunny and then a wonderful Danj pose by Flagless! heart

Oh my gosh! MORE AWSOME SKETCHES BY FLAGLESS! Gosh! I love flagley darling! ;____; &333

Here's a sketch by a special Suitie, Ieatwood! I doo love me some wood. ;D Hurr Hurr! &3

This amazing shot of action was drawn by Chaoskris88 at this Smackjeeves website. The drawing was commissioned by the villain, Michio Fuukada for this Art request thread.

Here's one of my very first commissions! It's a beautiful piece by HollowedOne. &33

This was actually my first major commission! It was done by the ever talented Malince!

Hawww! Here we have a birfmas present from Nev dahling and then we have a vonderful commission from Picaru! Picaru's work is soooo friggin adorable!!! heart heart heart

MORE BIRFDAY PRESENTS! These were done by Twistee and Neko the Great (abstract v****a)! The Last one on the end is a Flob by Eisbeere! They're the bezz! heart heart

H'awww he's a drawing from my beloved sidekick, Projee (Project-X). heart heart

'Ello Stranjah! Whuddarghya Buyin'? Art from Crysis Hyeru and Lotus Nymph of course! 4laugh

Here's a lovely headshot by liquid.pearls! This girl has some awesome sense of style! I love this! heart

Here's a fun headshot by the creator of my favorite wordgame (statements) and a good friend of mine, Harmonia! <333

Muah! I spy with my green eye, lovely lineart head shot from the baddie, Damix Kidd! heart heart

Here's some extremely friggin rad linework from Nintendo Sixty-Whore. Her art is as snazzy as her username! I love the expression in her drawings! <3 This drawing is followed by a sketch from S.T.D. before she changed her username for the millionth time! I don't even know what she goes by anymore! D:

Headshots by [ Alchemize ] heart heart He's such a sweetheart!

Here is some COMPLETELY awesome hatching work from Xyronix! The girlfight between Danjah and Shaiya of the Dark was quite sexy. You probably wish you were there. ;D

Danjahs got the whole world in her hands according to Suicity! Then we have a commission by Aaby_666! She's so rad!

Heil Nihil! This is some friggin snazzy art I received from Gaia's one and only Nazi of Justice! heart

Here is some increidbly sexy art by Monsieur de la Nuit! heart

Here is is a FABULOUS work by Szen who I commissioned to draw my avatar as a Real life portrait! HOW FREAKING SPIFFY! &333

OMG! These too hilarious MS Painted works were by the ever fabulous, always entertaining, Dominico Savarucci! Dom-darling is totally my favorite MS paint artist. xD heart heart

Holy crap! Some awesomely colorful art by my totally fun and sporty friend, Dristig-Darling! She rocks my rainbow socks! Then we have a totally rad piece of art I won from Light Pollution! &33

These lovely examples of art were done by Quality of Mercy and Izumi Hanae at an Avatar Editor's ball as I wound up there in persuit of the enemy. ninja They're talent is only bested by their amazing personalities! I'm glad to have met them! heart heart

This beautiful drawing is from the wonderful puppy boy, Xanderiffic! His work is so unique! I can spot his drawings from a mile away! Right beside it, we have an absolutely adorable drawing by the beautiful miss Quevyn-M. I just checked my comment wall one day and here this art was! It was the sweetest surprise! heart heart

Here's another gorgeous bit of random art that just showed up in my inbox one day! It's done by the ever fabulous Pissing Perfection! <333

JUBILATION! Here's a hilarious rendering of The Saucy Librarian (if you you understand what is going on here...mang you must be special. ;D ) from my one and only clon, Joasis! This drawing is followed by some most awsome lineart by the ever talented Saturday Mournings!! OMG You don't even know how awsome these two fellas are! I friggin adore them--they're mah bestest buds! 4laugh heart heart heart

Here's some more ridiculously rad art from Saturday mournings! <333 I adore him oh so much!

Holy crap! Its boy-Danjah and loli-Gregger being touched by ***** did Loli-Gregger and Boy-Danger know that this would ultimately lead to a disturbing relationship egged on by ***** as depicted by Gregger below. ;D
Bwuah ha ha. Gyah. Satu soooo &&& Danjah. Seriously. I can't get enough of this guy. &333

A rather lovely sketch by Sexual Llama! I love that llama! heart

Another lovely sketch by Align=center!

Elle au elle! These goofy drawings were drawn by me. redface whee After drawing Gregger as a woman...we created Man-Danjah who you will discover above and blow this post. ;D

These saucy drawings of Femme-gregger and Man-Danger were drawn by the fabulous Gregger! &3

Then we have Loli-Gregger and Boy-Danger having pre-mature relations as planned by *****. xD &33

Here's some more artwork by the ever-wonderful, Gregger! His artstyle is so unique and wonderful! <33

Hey groupshots! The first one features Gregger and Danj on a KOL Adventure! ALL YOUR MEATS ARE BELONG TO US! scream The second picture features Danjah bedazzling the gal behind the gaian that is Wynter Patience! heart heart

These are absolutely beautiful commissions by Pqus. You have NO IDEA how long I've wanted art from her and Kiwi! heart heart

These two were done by the Great Rainie Dais! I friggin love these! They're so unique! heart heart

SPRITES!! These wonderful sprites from left to right were made by Saturday Mournings, Bulma Greenleaf, and Etereum! I LOVE THESE SO MUCH! eek heart

xD A CRAZY drawing by Teh Wall Ninja---or Publicnme... rofl

YAY! Here's a snazzy scene featuring my arch nemesis made by everyone's favorite squidboy, Ralwatt! heart heart

Just a normal night at the bar....Corwyth thinks he's trying to smooth one over me but I'm like Whatev! It was made by Samurai Kyosuke heart

Whooo! These awsome edit things were done by Silent Angel! She's an absolute doll! 4laugh heart
Mmmk! That's it for now but if you notice you've given me art and its not in here....IM SO SORRY! I must had inadvertantly lost it. ;_____; Forgive me? heart <span id="test7240003">. . .</span><br/><div id="post7240003" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;"></div>
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