Whats Your Guardian Angel?-

Your Guardian Angel Is Wind
You love the freedom of being able to fly, even if its all in your imagination
Nothing makes more sense to you than being able to be free
Although you love to dream and be free you're probably a very realistic person and know what to do when you're needed
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What do the Kingdom Hearts 2 Characters think about you?-
Sora:: Loves you. He'd do anything to protect you, so instead of leaving you alone, {like Kairi} he understands that you can stick up for yourself so he took you with him.
Riku:: Is really happy that Sora found someone like you, but feels sorry for Kairi. Kairi:: Hates you with a passion (lol). She is extremely jealous of you because you've got Sora.
Donald & Goofy:: Are really happy for you and Sora, and they think you make an adorable couple. ^_^
Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee: They all love you, but the guys find you a bit pip-squeakish, even though you're the farthest thing from it when it comes to your fighting ability.
Hayner & Pence: Think you're awesome, and they treat you like their sister.
Olette: Loves you to death. You're practically her best friend (other than the guys lol)
Mickey:: Is very glad that Sora found someone as amazing as you. He knows that you're a great hero, and that you'll have a great impact on the destiny of everyone around you.
Organiation XIII-----------------
Roxas:: Being Sora's other half, he shares his feelings for you. But he knows that being an Organization XIII member, being with you is out of the question.
Axel:: He's thinking about using you instead of Kairi to get to Sora, even though he knows the risk of you easily beating the crap out of him if/when he does.
Demyx:: Naturally, is afraid of you. He knows you're a strong fighter, but nevertheless, puts up a great fight for you, Sora, Donald, and Goofy in Hollow Bastion.
Xemnas:: Loves the fact that you're great at collecting hearts for him. Hates the fact that you caught on to their plan before Axel had to tell you.
All the other Organization XIII Members:: Couldn't care less about you. But they do care about the fact that Sora loves you. That may give them a dangerous idea. Be careful.
Namine:: Being Kairi's other half, she shares her feeling of jealousy towards you. but, she doesn't hate you like Kairi does because she has Roxas.
~You fight alongside Sora, Donald, and Goofy with your keyblade ^^
~Kairi and Namine are way jealous of you.
~Almost eveyone loves you.
I hope you enjoyed the quiz!! =]
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Whats Your Element?-

Hey there, Miss Fire Goddess! You're my personal favorite! A born leader, you're ready to go at anything no matter what the risk! You're very reckless, and sometimes, you just can't take NO for an answer. Watch yourself, things might go really wrong if you just blurt something out without thinking for a second or two. You tend to speak your mind, regardless of what other people might think. Good for you. Never hold back! =D
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What Kind of Friend are You?-

you're an "okay" friend!you just need to work on your patience and...fun-ness ^___^ 'oother than that, you're an honest, trustworthy friend. smile good for you!
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