What is Love? By: James L. Totti
Is love just an emotional fantasy?
Or something, a feeling, that we cling to?;
Be it conscious or even unconcious tendency?;
Or just a state of mind, body and soul that we go through?
Do we really "feel" the true meaning of love?
Can the psyche fully grasp the concept,
Of falling for the opposite sex with true compassion?;
Or will that forever be withheld from our understanding?
Is it or will it every be possible to understand true love;
Will that of our faith be truly and sorely tested?
Or will faith be our savior and love be born on the wings of a dove?
We may never know the true answer, unless...
That of strife be conquered and the barrier of love be bested!
Or something, a feeling, that we cling to?;
Be it conscious or even unconcious tendency?;
Or just a state of mind, body and soul that we go through?
Do we really "feel" the true meaning of love?
Can the psyche fully grasp the concept,
Of falling for the opposite sex with true compassion?;
Or will that forever be withheld from our understanding?
Is it or will it every be possible to understand true love;
Will that of our faith be truly and sorely tested?
Or will faith be our savior and love be born on the wings of a dove?
We may never know the true answer, unless...
That of strife be conquered and the barrier of love be bested!
Community Member
There are only guesses and unexplainable equations that only scratch the surface of love's true meaning.
But, there is a way to finding the answer, and the only way is to fall into the bottomless hell of love.
You shall never know, until it grabs you, and suficates you till you take your last breath.
It will drive you mad until you can no longer stand the insanity of loves' cruel and wicked games.
Love can do anything.
It is unbreakable by any force.
Many have tried to escape loves' grasp, only leading them to their death.
There are choices one must make, to never fall in to loves heartbreaking games, or be tricked and never be able to escape.