This is how it happened:

I got that mail from a guy with the same exact text only he was probably posting from some elses account who got hacked. So thinking that it was a runescape site (On account of the layout of it) I put in my runescape password and username (which at that time was the same as my Gaia). So when I went back to gaia the last thing I saw was the trade that he sent me to steal my stuff:

After that I was kicked out of the account and left on the Gaia homepage. I logged on to my mule account, but since I didn't have the above image at the time (because the PrtScn on my keyboard sometimes doesn't work) I had to guess at what Items he took.
I got a PM with the exact text he used on my main from my main's account which he stole to use as sort of a chainletter to scam more people and at that time I tried my PrtScn button again and it worked so this was the message:

After that I manually sent a message to all my friends not to fall for it and then I went to bed.
The next day I got this account back with the help of Hercules. heart
And I got the trading image above from my trading history. After that I sent a more accurate report with all of the items that were taken from me.
A mod PMed me the day after that about the hacking, and I asked her if she could help and she replied saying:
I can add that to the notes on your account, but I can't do a thing to get those items back to you. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's not a lot of hope that you will get them back. They could be sold on the market a dozen times by now.
I hope I'm wrong, but expect the worst and hope for the best.
Good luck.
I hope I'm wrong, but expect the worst and hope for the best.
Good luck.
So there is basically no hope that I will be getting any of my items back.
And I worked so hard to get them too. sad
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