Me. Emo, emo me.

Funny story, actually. Daniel was feeling really depressed that day, and I was talking to him on MSN. I told him that he needed to smile for me... He was making me sad.
So he did. He took that picture and sent it to me. It brightened up my day.

You can SOOO tell I'd been crying.

Halloween. It was fun.

The boyfriend and I... I love him. heart

Me in my freakin' OMG. Sooo amazing.

Jesus and I, before we had sex. xD

My day job. xDDD

I really liked this picture of me.

Me in my trenchcoat. Standing in my friend Chelsi's bedroom.

Chelsi and I. Funny faces.

You don't even wanna know how dizzy I was.

Emo Swing picture. >w<

Old picture. Really, really cute smile. ^___^ He looks so young here.

I secretly loved it when he did that. *glittergiggle*

Gun to the head, babe. So emo.

I love Meh cookies. ^____^

Me. Pose. Glitter.

My signature pose. I usually look at the camera, though.
Glitter in my hair. Pounds of it, you have no idea.

Me and meh ciggy.

Me in my fiance's hoodie.

Old picture. I made this for Daniel.

Bad hair day.
Yes, that's real blood.
Yes, it's from a bite.

Me at a show. Very old picture. Taken with a camera phone and it's pic effects.

Bread faces. Kasi, me, and Chelsi. We rule.

My fiance really likes this picture. I don't know why. I look like s**t.

Bad hair day.

And last but not least, really really really old picture.
I stole my sister's headband.
It looks so much better on me.