Recap: Number 1
Alright, a two whole semesters and a summer just whized by me faster than the speed of sound (which is 340 m/s to anyone who cares) and I don't even know what hit me. I mean, I feel like I've done nothing! I don't even really remember anything.....
Well, for starters, last spring semester Shirin Ebadi came to our college for a speech, the whole thing was in Farsi of course b/c she doesn't speak a word of English, and the translator was horrible (she could have translated the script that Shirin Ebadi was speaking from instead of directly translated on the spot, but she was totally unprepared)! I speak Farsi, so I know. I had breakfast with her, which was really nice, but I felt stupid the whole time...I mean everyone at the table was asking her questions except me and I was sitting one seat away from her! I didn't even know what to say! And she was right there in front of me! Man, she must of thought I was really stupid. But what makes me even madder was the ignorance of the people in the Flat Hat! Someone had the audacity to write an article about the speech, but it didn't even focus on what Ebadi had to say and totally miscontrued her whole speech!
Anyway, I had an awesome seminar class: The Chivalric Code and Tolkien. Imagine, reading Lord of the Rings as homework! That was truly an amazing class. THe only thing was, my classmates were kinda wierd. I mean, half of the class was laughing the whole time while the other half of the class was always quiet. And all the quiet people sat next to each other. I totally didn't get them, b/c our professor is such a funny guy (he has the most AWESOME Godfather accent), and none of them ever laughed!? But I loved my prof; he is the only professor I know of who has his own facebook profile, he makes the best brownies on earth, and we've even had a facebook war! (details of the facebook war to follow on my next post). Man, I wished I had kept up with this journal, then I could have written all kinds of neat things about my Tolkien experience, but I am too much of a lazy bum...
The only bad memory I had from my Tolkien seminar was this one girl who ignorately started bashing my religion (which is Islam). I don't hate her, in fact she was one of my best friends in that class, but the things she said really hurt me . I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. I'm avoiding her for now...but next time I see her I'm gonna set her straight. For now, I need to read up more on my religion (grr...I have too much reading to do).
Alright, more on the next post!
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