I FINALLY GOT SOME CHANUKAH SHOPPING DONE!!!!! I got my aunt the Beatles CD Abbey Road, and I got Bubby (grandma, for those who don't know Jew-speak) the movie 'Guys and Dolls'. I got stuff for my friends too, but I'm not saying what, because they'll just see it here and the whole 'surprise' thing will be ruined wink . Today I'm gonna finish my shopping and get stuff for Mom and Shadow. Huzzah!!
FYI: SIX DAYS TIL CHANUKAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ninja
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
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Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.