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Never Finished Story
The ending I was going for, finally found it, Fox.

In the room was a young woman, she had several chains wrapped around her. Her face had numerous bruises and cuts. Blood dripped from her mouth and several wounds across her body, most bullet wounds. Her hair was sticking out in several places, like someone had grabed her by her hair and viciously yanked on it. She raised her head as a man walked in. He had silver hair and his eyes were were snakelike, with inhumanly small slits for pupils. He grinned maliciously at the woman in front of him, drinking in the sight of her. From her disheveled black hair, to her hatred filled yellow eyes, to her shapely body covered by torn clothing and blood.
"Oh, whats wrong little one, not happy to see me," he sneered at her as he leaned close enough to invade her space but not close enough for her to reach him; she strained aganist her chains trying to bite his face off with her sharp canine teeth,"I guess not, too bad because soon we're going to have a visitor. I happened to leave behind a note saying where to meet me if anyone wanted to see you again."
"b*****d, I'm going to make sure you die a slow and painful death," she gave him a glare that could make a person drop dead, anger boiled, overpowering in her.
"Can't wait," he grabbed her by her hair, jerking her head back. He crushed his mouth againist hers, forcing his forked tongue into her mouth. When he pulled back, she spat in his face. He wiped the spit and blood off his face with a satisfied smirk. He leaned forward as if to do something else, when the walkie-talkie on his side erupted static words. He brought it up to his ear, listened, smiling.
"Come on, time for your debut," he grabbed her by the hair again, dragging her behind him and she jerked back and forth," you know your only hurting yourself, little one."
She let out a harsh, insane laugh, staring at his face with unbridled primal hatred. He yanked her through a door just as a young girl from the opposite door emerged. A fireplace was the only other thing in the room and a fire was going.
"Where the ******** is Jag, Cobra,"she growled, the note crushed in her clenched hand. He pulled Jag up, until her toes only touched the floor. Fox's eyes dialated at the sight of her in her horrible form. Jag grinned, crookedly at her.
"What did you do to her,"Fox whispered, watching Cobra like prey.
"I just experimented, seeing what our mutated bodies can take," he reached into his pocket, pulling out a gun, Fox stiffened,"don't worry, this isn't for you".
He pionted the gun at Jag and shot repeativedly. The bullets entered into her stomach and she choked out blood, it spilled over her lips and down her chin.
"Stop it," Fox yelled, trembling with anger.
"No, watch,"Cobra said like a fascinated child, observed Jag's bullet riddle stomach. The bullets fell out first, then the blood stopped, skin knitted together, leaving only a almost invisible scar. Fox also watched with horror and amazement.Jag's breathing was labored with exhastion and delayed pain.
"Truly amazing, huh, and the whole time she never screamed or cried. What a brave little soldier,"he chuckled and shoved Jag to the floor,"the WHOLE time."
He leered at Jag and she stared at the ground with determination. Fox made a face of disgust.
"What the hell do you want," she screamed, glaring at Cobra.
"I could ask you the samething,"he waved to the shadows and a hunched middle aged man hobbled over,"this is Dr. Fredricks Jones, he specializes in pychiatry, and hypnotism. Fox, do you find him familer, like you met him before?"
Fox breath slowly became rapid as her eyes scanned the mans face, remembering things. Things she wanted to forget, a man, a woman and people...
Jag stopped moving, her body still, like she was dead. Cobra paused at the production in front of him and glanced down.
"Hey, Jag, wake up,"he nudged her with the toe of his foot, she showed no signs of breathing,"wake up, move or something."
He grabbed her by the hair again, pulling her up. Her face was pale and her eyes were closed. He brought his face closer, just a breath away from her lips. He looked like he was going to kiss her, when her eyes snapped open and she bit into his shoulder. He screamed, tugging on her to try and get her off. She held fast, her jaw locked in place. He ramed his fists aganist her head and body, but she still held. All this action knocked Fox out of her reverie, and she jumped to act. Just as she was about to attack Cobra, Dr.Jones blocked her way.
"Get out of my way, old man,"Fox barked, glaring at him. He gave her a oily smirk.
"Know thats no way to talk to someone who helped you in your greatest time of need,"he held up a hand, between his fingers, it was webbed,"that young man over there did me a favor and changed me so I'll never get sick, or if I break something, or get shot, I'll heal. Just like your friend. Fox, which is what you call yourself now, can you guess what I was mixed with, hmm?"
He then pulled out a remote and pushed a button on it. An opening below them opened and they both fell.
Jag was still biting Cobra's shoulder, biting as hard as she could, until she fell back, his flesh in her mouth. She spit it out, then with all her strength, yanked the chains off. Cobra held his know bleeding shoulder with contempt.
"Good try, little one,"his wound knitted up like hers had earlier.
"Stop calling me that, you mean nothing to me, and obviously, I mean nothing to you," she spat her words at him. They circled each other.
"Thats not true, you mean everything to me, its just that I had to clear up your life of hurdles, so you could be with me,"he swiped at her to measure distance.
"Then I guess your just another obsticle in my way towards a better life,"she chuckled and judged his position for any more movement.
"No, I'm the way to a better life because I love you,"his eyes softened, and he stood up, opening his arms, so he could hug her. Jag stopped and looked at him strangely. He grabbed her shoulders, and pulled her into an embrace. She let him, and he mummered nonsense into her ear. He smiled and a knife slid out of his sleeve, he stabbed her in the back. Her body arched and she jerked away from him. She gave a shuddered breath as she yanked the knife out.
"I gave you a chance and you blew it,"her face was calm and serene,"now I'm going to kill you".
"You can't kill me, our species is indestructable,"he laughed at her like she knew nothing.
"Wrong. I' ve been experimenting too, and I know what could kill you, our 'species'."
She slowly backed up and slid to the ground next to the fireplace, faking fatigued.
"Your bluffing and I'm going to take you and continue my game," he quickly strode over to her, grabing her right arm, pulling her up. With her left, she shoved a white hot coal through his chest. He gasped as she pushed him aganist the opposite wall, shoving the coal deeper. Jag watched as the life left him and a crater formed in his chest. Finally she pulled her hand back, dropping the coal on the ground. He sunked to the floor, stockstill. She gasped at the pain in her hand, it was charred black and deeply distorted. She then stared at Cob.., Ory and let out a long and anguished cry, rattling the walls. Her cry was followed by sobs of pain and grief. Because she had done something she had never done. She had taken anothers life.., what right did she have. She wasn't God. Someone was coming and she could care less who saw her because the pain in her heart and hand was unbearable.
"Oh, god,"the young doctor she had seen earlier was staring at them in shock. Jag looked at him, tears running down her face. She reached her left hand at him, pleading with her eyes.
"Make the pain stop, please,"she whispered, her charred hand shaking. He ran over, gently touching her hand like it was glass. He carried a bag, and he put it in front of him, opening it. He pulled out a bottle, poaring clear liquid over her hand. It gushed over the sides of her knarled hand and to the floor. She squeezed her eyes shut, clenching her teeth in horrorific pain. He quickly wrapped her hand in gauze. Her eyes rolled back, and she blacked out.

Last Chapter

Jag poised herself at the edge of the falls, staring at everything below her. Fox waved at her and let a collage boy rubbed more suntan lotion on her already bronze body, she wore an blue two peice. Jag smiled and waved back, the black glove on her left hand looked awkward. She wore a black one piece that matched her short cropped hair. It was just 1 inch below her ear, and exposed her neck. It went curly, it being so short.
Earlier that day she had Fox cut it for her. She threw the hair in the garbage, throughing in a match, quickly lighting the hair on fire. The hair on her head won't grow back.
Jag leaned her head back looking at the sky, it was a dark blue on one side and an orange-yellow mix that was mesmerizing. She dove, perfectly poised, then hit the water and slicing through the water like a knife. She then was in another world. A murky place of life, her eyes catching the sight of trout, bass, red, silver and so much more. Her muscles on her arms and legs rippled as she swam forward. She looked down and saw darkness, so great it was, she thought it would swallow her. She let herself slowly rise, bubbles surrounded her. Her head broke through, stars peeking through the dim orange gloom. She swam on her back, now and then just drifting. She closed her eyes and opened herself to the sounds. On the opposite bank where Fox was, she heard a doe tentively drink water, her fawn hidden the brush, until the mother found it safe. Farther down the river, a mother bear and her cubs went into their cave. In the sky two falcons flew like they were dancing, then flew to their nest in a great sycamore tree. She opened her eyes, staring at a dark blue, star ridden sky. It reminded her of the sky in Eygpt, she shook off that feeling. The moon was pale and she knew Fox was itching to howl at it, and she couldn't help that feeling also. To give a heart wretching and grief filled howl to the only thing that would listen. She turned and swam back to shore, her arms and legs making her move like a torpedo. When she got to the bank, Fox was alone, packing already. Jag shook herself dry and wrapped the towel around her waist.
"What happened, eat collage boy and save none for me," Jag chuckled, popping out her irritating contacts. Her gold eyes flashed with humor.
"You know it," Fox chuckled, getting up and stretching,"no just told him that I had lady troubles."
"And he believed you, you were in the water half the time," she and Fox walked further into the forest,"so what do you want to eat to night, since you got clean-up duty."
"Your just going to keep rubbing that in my face, aren't you," Fox grumbled," some rabbit would be nice, and even nicer if I was the one hunting."
"I bet, last time you brought back a cow," Fox made a face and ran to the top of a hill. Jag ran up beside her, they both stared at the beautiful, pale moon. Its light was so bright, and was like a rain of pure light. Fox let out a howl that was like a song, so powerful that it was. Jag let out a roar, pain and sorrow resonating out of it. They stayed there for hours, then sleep took them. Thoughts of food forgotten. They slumbered, each with her own worries and concerns. Each with a scared past. Yet what they don't know is that they have a bright future. Or as bright as it could get.

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