I tired, hungery, I don't feel good, and I want my mom!!! I miss her, she left for germany am I miss her, she probably just landed over there. ne ways I'm sry for complaing and stuff, but I just needed to complain, so again I'm sry
Let me c yesterday kind of sucked, I mean I wasn't all that ready to come back to skool, but I did miss my friends and stuff, so I guess it wasn't all that bad
Thanksgiving was kind of a bust, grandpa said "I have to pee" in the middlee of desert, and so he wouldn't go to our bathroom, so he had to go home, and went to sleep. i ended up watching Ugly Betty, and VH1's top 100 80's songs
I'm tired, and wil go now,
bye! ninja pirate cheese_whine emo heart domokun
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Hunh? What? I don't know! AHHHH!!!!
[img:3f119c48fc]http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e43/Ellenya/blah/lotr-2.gif[/img:3f119c48fc] [img:3f119c48fc]http://i229.photobucket.com/albums/ee224/IndieNoize/1185459881128.gif[/img:3f119c48fc]