Since I seriously do not want to forget all those who lovingly gave me gifts for Christmas, I thought that I'd make a journal entry for it :3 p.s Anything that I recieve during the month of December I count it as Christmas gifts... so ha! xP
The Invisible Santa! Winged Anklets O_O -dies-
The.Evil.Santa Dark Halo + 20k ^___^
DivinePrince 100k! O_O
` Freddie Mercury Art! =D [x]
xSakuraxChanx Sealed Letter =3
Kasumi-hime Art! =D [x]
Mew-neko [171] Trash, Inks, Fish and House Items ^^
Grandiloquent 12k So that I could finish my quest for the Pixie =3
Dream Follower Fairy Cloth + 4.5k ^o^
Yumi Mei Flower Black Tie + Light Grey Leg Warmers :3
Thatos Rebellion Face Mask :3
Pheregames Bunch of Inks x3
Ee chan mule Inner Fire Kimono + Flower Crown (For Secret Santa) =D
Maya-chan Art! =D [x]
D a r k i e Sunflower Bouquet + 1.5k :3
Dark_Maiden_Queen Coal Gunner Coat + 2k x3
Fire_from_the_Ashes 800g :3
Mesugarbee December 2006 Letter =D
Mew-neko Bunny Luv :3
BunnyonAwall Flashion Purple Skirt :3
[Odango] Lunar Cowl, Gwee, Anti-Gambino Sign, + Whip of Ice =D
Lenoxx Cloudstrike Art! =D [x]
^____^ Wow, thanks everyone! I luff you to death x3 
Mysticalpchan · Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 07:11am · 0 Comments |